# install.packages(c("MASS","rrcov")) library(MASS) library(rrcov) # (a), (b) D <- read.table("wood.txt",header=TRUE,sep="\t") dim(D) plot(D) # Again, you might see some outliers, # Note that when data is truly high dimensional, # you cannot easily detect outliers visually # (c) # Classical unbiased covariance scov <- cov(D) scov # MCD covariance # try different values of alpha # previously there was bug with alpha=1, seem to be fixed now (2017) rcov <- CovMcd(D,alpha=1/2) # Note that the above is a S4 class object # Most of the object we have in this course are of class S3 # We will not discuss the differences of the objects (between S3 and S4) in this # course. # The difference relevant to this course is that # to access slots of an S4 object you use @, not $: rcov@cov # The S3 alternative for CovMcd is covmcd: # covMcd(D,alpha=1/2)$cov # however, since some of the later functions in these exercises do not have S3 alternatives, # we use the CovMcd function here # (d) ## Using sample covariance # Note that the next command returns mahalanobis^2 s.maha <- mahalanobis(D,center=colMeans(D),cov=scov) # Using Robust r.maha <- mahalanobis(D,center=rcov@center, cov=rcov@cov) plot(c(1,nrow(D)),range(sqrt(c(s.maha,r.maha))),type="n", xlab="Observation",ylab="Mahalanobis-Distance") points(1:nrow(D),sqrt(s.maha),col="blue") points(1:nrow(D),sqrt(r.maha),col="red",pch=16) legend("topleft",col=c("blue","red"),cex=0.8,legend=c("Classical","MCD"), pch=c(1,16)) # Clearly, when using MCD we see some potential outliers, # however, using classical covariance the outliers are not visible # (e) apply(D,2,range) # It seems that the scales of the variables are different # Also, we do not know if the variables are of the same units # Hereby, we use the correlation based PCA here # Correlation based PCA PCA1 <- princomp(D,cor=T) PCA1$loadings # MCD based PCA PCA2 <- PcaCov(D,scale=TRUE,cov.control = CovControlMcd(alpha=1/2)) PCA2@loadings # see help(PcaCov) # You can verify that PCA1 and PCA2 are equal if alpha=1 # The scale=TRUE in PcaCov() means that we perform the correlation based PCA # You can see the objects inside an S3 object with names(): names(PCA1) # Likewise, for S4 objects use slotNames(): slotNames(PCA2) # Summary and plotting works for both types summary(PCA1) summary(PCA2) # From Exercises 3, check what happens to regular PCA, # when outliers are present par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(PCA1) screeplot(PCA2) dev.off() PCA1$loadings PCA2@loadings #completely different loadings # --> different interpretations for the principal components pairs(PCA1$scores) pairs(PCA2@scores) #### #2 ##### set.seed(123) n <- 200 library(mvtnorm) D1 <- rmvnorm(n,mean=c(0,0),sigma=diag(2)) plot(D1) D2 <- rmvt(n,df=5,sigma=diag(2)) plot(D2) x1 <- rweibull(n,shape=1,scale=2) x2 <- rgamma(n,shape=2,scale=1) D3 <- cbind(x1,x2) plot(D3) cov1 <- cov(D1) rcov1 <- CovMcd(D1,alpha=1/2)@cov cov2 <- cov(D2) rcov2 <- CovMcd(D2,alpha=1/2)@cov cov3 <- cov(D3) rcov3 <- CovMcd(D3,alpha=1/2)@cov