function [t, x] = gillespie(S, M, h, c, tspan) % GILLESPIE Gillespie simulator for stochastic Petri nets % % [t, x] = gillespie(S, M, h, c, tspan) % % Inputs: % S Stoichiometry matrix (matrix of size n x v, where % n is the number of species and % v is the number of reactions). % M Initial state of the system (vector of length n) % h Hazard function. Takes two arguments x (vector of length n) % and c (vector of length v) as input and % outputs a vector of length v. % c Stochastic rate constants (vector of length v). % tspan Time span (vector of length 2) % % Outputs: % t Vector of event times % x Vector of system states % [n, ~] = size(S); max_reactions = 1e5; % This checks that the inputs have the correct shape gillespie_input_checks(S, M, h, c, tspan) % Initialize time and state variables t = zeros(1, max_reactions); x = zeros(n, max_reactions); current_state = M(:); current_time = tspan(1); % Main loop for index = 1:max_reactions % Record current state and time t(index) = current_time; x(:, index) = current_state; % Compute current rates rates = h(current_state, c); % EXERCISE: SAMPLE THE NEXT REACTION EVENT TIME current_time = current_time + ??? % Are we done? if current_time > tspan(end) break; end % EXERCISE: SAMPLE INDEX OF THE NEXT REACTION idx_reaction = ??? % Update current state current_state = current_state + S(:, idx_reaction); end % Trim the output vectors t = t(1:index); x = x(:, 1:index); end % No need to touch this function idx = sample_from_discrete(p) % Draw an integer from the set {1,2,3,...,length(p)} % with probability mass distribution given by % vector p idx = find(rand < cumsum(p)/sum(p), 1); end % No need to touch this function gillespie_input_checks(S, M, h, c, tspan) % A helper function for checking the shape of inputs % given to the gillespie() function [n,v] = size(S); % Check input dimensions if(length(M)~=n) error('Length of M should be equal to the number of rows in S!'); end if(length(c)~=v) error('Length of c should be equal to the number of columns in S!'); end if(length(tspan)~=2) error('Length of tspan must be 2!'); end % Check that h works correctly if(~isa(h,'function_handle')) error('h must be a function handle!'); end if(nargin(h)~=2) error('h must take two input arguments!'); end x_test = ones(length(c),1); h_test = h(x_test, c); if(length(h_test)~=length(c)) error('h must return a vector that has same length as c') end end