clc clear all close all %% Data loading load demo1.mat data(isnan(data)) = 0; %Remove the NAN values t = data(:,1); p = data(:,2); v = data(:,3); rho = 1e3; %kg/m3 %% Measures of an ultrasound burst (10p) %a) figure subplot(211) plot(t*1e6,v) title('Driving signal') xlabel('time, us') ylabel('voltage,V') subplot(212) plot(t*1e6,p) title('Pressure') xlabel('time, us') ylabel('voltage,V') %b) PRP = (1050 - 50)*1e-6; % s %c) PRF = 1/PRP ; % Hz %d) dt = t(2)-t(1); fs = 1/dt; L = length(p); P = abs(fft(p-mean(p))); P = P(1:L/2+1); f = [1:L]*fs/L; f = f(1:L/2+1); P = 20*log10(P/max(P)); figure plot(f,P) title('Amplitude Spectrum of p(t))') xlabel('f (Hz)') ylabel('|P(f)|db') % e) b_6dB = f(find(P>-6)); b_6dB = [b_6dB(1), b_6dB(end)]; %f) peak_f = f(find(P==max(P))); %g) center_f = sum(b_6dB)/2; %h) max_freq ~ 3MHz; %% Speed of sound in water (5p) close all figure plot(t*1e6,p,t*1e6,v) xlabel('time ,us') ylabel('vol tage, V') legend('hydrophone signal','driving signal' ) %a) t_travel = 50.26*1e-6; %b) R = 75*1e-3 ; %m c = R/t_travel; %m/s %c) from 'Measuring the speed of sound in distilled water, S. S. Sekoyan':\%2FBF00991734 T1 = 20.619; %celsius T2 = 23.935 ; v1 = 1484.65 ; %m/s v2 = 1493.19 ; %m/s % y = m*x+q m = (T2-T1)/(v2-v1); q = T1-m*v1; T_w = m*c + q; %% Pressure and intensity measures of an ultrasound burst (15p) close all %a) s = 46e-3; % sensitivity, [V/MPa] p2 =p/s*1e6; %Pa figure plot(t*1e6,p2*1e-6) title('Pressure') xlabel('time, us') ylabel('pressure, MPa') %b) PPP = max(p2); %c) PNP = min(p2); %d) pulse_start_indx = 32450; %from the graph pulse_end_indx = 32650; I_int = cumtrapz(t(pulse_start_indx:pulse_end_indx),p2(pulse_start_indx:pulse_end_indx).^2); %intensity integral over the pulse duration figure plot(t(pulse_start_indx:pulse_end_indx)*1e6-t (pulse_start_indx)*1e6, I_int/max(I_int)) xlabel('time, us') ylabel('Normalized integrated intensity') t1 = find(I_int>0.1*I_int(end),1); t2 = find(I_int>0.9*I_int(end),1); PD = (t2-t1)*dt*1.25; %e) I_PPP = (PPP)^2/( rho *c )/1e4; %W/cm2 %f) I_PNP = (PNP)^2/( rho *c )/1e4; %W/cm2 %g) I_sppa = I_int(end)/( rho *c )/PD/1e4; %W/cm2 %h) I_spta = I_int(end)/( rho *c )/PRP/1e4; %W/cm2 %i) DC_driv_sig = (31849-31795)/(44816-31795)*100; %j) DC_pressure = PD/PRP*100;