import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as LA import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import GMMem import pickle np.random.seed(0) # Fill in the missing parts marked with ? # ***** DATA totalComponents = 10 # max number of mixture components # load data with open("data.pickle", "rb") as f: X, labels = pickle.load(f) D, N = X.shape # dimension and number of data points ratio = 0.75 train_ind = np.random.choice(N, int(ratio * N), replace=False) # training data index test_ind = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(N), train_ind) # test data index Xtrain = X[:,train_ind] # training data Xtrain_labels = labels[train_ind] # training data labels Xtest = X[:,test_ind] # test data Xtest_labels = labels[test_ind] # test data labels # plot training and test data def plot_data(): for i in sorted(set(Xtrain_labels)): X_comp = Xtrain[:, Xtrain_labels == i] plt.plot(X_comp[0], X_comp[1], '.' + 'brgmcyk'[i-1], markersize=6) plt.plot(Xtest[0], Xtest[1], 'kd', markersize=4, markeredgewidth=0.5, markerfacecolor="None") plot_data() plt.title('training data, test data (in black)') # ***** Use cross validation to choose the number of components # (Only this part differs from the first template, where BIC is used instead) foldCount = 5 # number of folds loglikelihoods = np.zeros((totalComponents, foldCount)) # collect log-likelihoods Nlearning = Xtrain.shape[1] order = np.random.permutation(Nlearning) # you can randomize the order of training samples # when constructing the folds in the loop for H in range(1, totalComponents+1): # number of mixture components print("H: {}".format(H)) for fold in range(foldCount): # K-fold cross validation training_indices = ? # cv training sample indices val_indices = ? # cv validation sample indices X_train = Xtrain[:,training_indices] # cv training data X_val = Xtrain[:,val_indices] # cv validation data # train model P, m, S, loglik, phgn = GMMem.GMMem(X_train, H, 100) # fit model # Predict using the cv trained model for validation data X_val logl = ? # use the function GMMem.GMMloglik loglikelihoods[H-1,fold] = ? # plot the accuracy curve, totalComponents+1), np.mean(loglikelihoods, axis=1)) plt.xlabel('Number of Mixture Components') plt.ylabel('CV Likelihood') plt.title('Model Selection (Cross Validation)'); # select the number of mixture components which maximizes the accuracy h = np.argmax(np.mean(loglikelihoods, axis=1)) + 1 # ***** TRAIN # Now train full model with selected number of mixture components P, m, S, loglik, phgn = GMMem.GMMem(Xtrain, h, 100) # fit to data # Predict using the full trained model (Use GMMem.GMMloglik) logl = ? print('Test Data Likelihood = {0:f}'.format(?)) # Plot the best GMM model plot_data() for i in range(h): dV, E = LA.eig(S[i,:,:]) theta = np.arange(0, 2*np.pi, 0.1) p = np.sqrt(dV.reshape(D,1)) * [np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)] x = (E @ p) + np.tile(m[:,i:i+1], (1, len(theta))) plt.plot(x[0], x[1], 'r-', linewidth=2) plt.title('training data, test data (in black)')