function [P,R,S] = lagrangepoly(X,Y,XX) %LAGRANGEPOLY Lagrange interpolation polynomial fitting a set of points % [P,R,S] = LAGRANGEPOLY(X,Y) where X and Y are row vectors % defining a set of N points uses Lagrange's method to find % the N-1th order polynomial in X that passes through these % points. P returns the N coefficients defining the polynomial, % in the same order as used by POLY and POLYVAL (highest order first). % Then, polyval(P,X) = Y. R returns the x-coordinates of the N-1 % extrema of the resulting polynomial (roots of its derivative), % and S returns the y-values at those extrema. % % YY = LAGRANGEPOLY(X,Y,XX) returns the values of the polynomial % sampled at the points specified in XX -- the same as % YY = POLYVAL(LAGRANGEPOLY(X,Y)). % % Example: % To find the 4th-degree polynomial that oscillates between % 1 and 0 across 5 points around zero, then plot the interpolation % on a denser grid inbetween: % X = -2:2; Y = [1 0 1 0 1]; % P = lagrangepoly(X,Y); % xx = -2.5:.01:2.5; % plot(xx,polyval(P,xx),X,Y,'or'); % grid; % Or simply: % plot(xx,lagrangepoly(X,Y,xx)); % % Note: if you are just looking for a smooth curve passing through % a set of points, you can get a better fit with SPLINE, which % fits piecewise polynomials rather than a single polynomial. % % See also: POLY, POLYVAL, SPLINE % 2006-11-20 Dan Ellis % $Header: $ % For more info on Lagrange interpolation, see Mathworld: % % Make sure that X and Y are row vectors if size(X,1) > 1; X = X'; end if size(Y,1) > 1; Y = Y'; end if size(X,1) > 1 || size(Y,1) > 1 || size(X,2) ~= size(Y,2) error('both inputs must be equal-length vectors') end N = length(X); pvals = zeros(N,N); % Calculate the polynomial weights for each order for i = 1:N % the polynomial whose roots are all the values of X except this one pp = poly(X( (1:N) ~= i)); % scale so its value is exactly 1 at this X point (and zero % at others, of course) pvals(i,:) = pp ./ polyval(pp, X(i)); end % Each row gives the polynomial that is 1 at the corresponding X % point and zero everywhere else, so weighting each row by the % desired row and summing (in this case the polycoeffs) gives % the final polynomial P = Y*pvals; if nargin==3 % output is YY corresponding to input XX YY = polyval(P,XX); % assign to output P = YY; end if nargout > 1 % Extra return arguments are values where dy/dx is zero % Solve for x s.t. dy/dx is zero i.e. roots of derivative polynomial % derivative of polynomial P scales each power by its power, downshifts R = roots( ((N-1):-1:1) .* P(1:(N-1)) ); if nargout > 2 % calculate the actual values at the points of zero derivative S = polyval(P,R); end end