Omfattning: 5

Tidtabel: 08.01.2019 - 09.04.2019

Kontaktuppgifter till kursens personal (gäller denna kursomgång): 

The main lecturer/organizers are Prof. Simo Särkkä ( and Lecturer Lauri Palva ( The teaching assistant is Toni Karvonen ( The contact sessions of the course are organized in room F254 of Otakaari 3.

Undervisningsperiod (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

III-IV 2019-2020 (spring)

Lärandemål (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

After completing this course, the student is able to

1. explain the classical nuclear magnetic resonance phenomenon and its use in MRI,
2. describe the imaging parameters and imaging sequence elements and explain their use in forming an image,
3. explain the principles of spatial frequency space, Fourier imaging, and their use in MRI,
4. explain how the properties of the image can be influenced.

Innehåll (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Basics of MRI physics, image formation, and reconstruction

Närmare beskrivning av kursens innehåll (gäller denna kursomgång): 

The contents of the course include overview of MRI, physical principles of spins and magnetization, the theory and use of rotating frame and Bloch equations, signal detection concepts, spatially varying fields and echoes, and basics of Fourier imaging in single and multiple dimensions.

Metoder, arbetssätt och bedömningsgrunder (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Examination and exercises

Närmare information om bedömningsgrunderna och -metoderna och om hur den studerande kan ta del av bedömningen (gäller denna kursomgång): 

The evaluation is based on a combination the exam, mandatory project works, and exercises.

  • To pass the course, you must complete the project work (either a laboratory work or an essay).
  • There will be five questions in the exam, each worth 5 points for the total of 25 points. You must receive at least 10 points (Any extra points are not included. That is, you do not pass the course if you get 5 points from the exam even if you have done all the exercises and submitted course feedback) to pass the course.
  • By completing the 8 regular exercise sets, you can receive a maximum of 3 extra points for the exam. Furthermore, the Matlab exercise at the end of course and course feedback after the exam are both worth 1 extra point. That is, by completing most of the exercises and giving course feedback you can get up to 5 extra points for the exam.
  • The grade brackets are 1: 10 to 12 points; 2: 13 to 15 points; 3: 16 to 19 points; 4: 20 to 22 points; 5: 23 to 25 points.

Arbetsmängd (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

24 h contact teaching, 109 h independent studies

Preciserad belastningsberäkning (gäller denna kursomgång): 

  • Contact: 10 * 2h class sessions, 1h kick-off, 3h examination
  • Independent: 10 * 4h class and examination preparation, 8 * 4h + 8h exercises, 29h project work

Studiematerial (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Robert W. Brown, Y.-C. Norman Cheng, E. Mark Haacke, Michael R. Thompson, Ramesh Venkatesan, "Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and Sequence Design", 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2014.

Närmare information om kursmaterial (gäller denna kursomgång): 

The main course book is

  • Robert W. Brown, Y.-C. Norman Cheng, E. Mark Haacke, Michael R. Thompson, Ramesh Venkatesan, "Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and Sequence Design", 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2014.

which is available as an e-book via Aalto University library ( The following books are also useful on the course, but the exercises will be taken from Brown's book:

  • Zhi-Pei Liang, Paul C. Lauterbur, "Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Signal Processing Perspective", Wiley-IEEE, 1999
  • Donald W. McRobbie, Elizabeth A. Moore, Martin J. Graves, Martin R. Prince, "MRI from Picture to Proton", 2nd Edition, 2007

Brief summaries along with links to external videos will be provided as well.

Ersättande prestationer (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 


Kursens webbplats (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020):

Förkunskaper (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Basic mathematics and physics courses

Bedömningsskala (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 


Anmälning (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 


Tilläggsinformation (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Language class 3: English

Närmare information om tidtabellen (gäller denna kursomgång): 

The course in 2019 is organized during Periods III and IV which spans the time period from Tuesday, 8 January (kick-off meeting) until Tuesday, 9 April (exam), that is, the weeks 2-15. 

The course consists of weekly learning packages which are to be studied and learned by the students independently. The learning objectives for each week are listed in Materials section along with pointers to book chapters, electronic materials, and summary videos containing the information. Quizzes and home work exercises, that are discussed during the weekly contact sessions, are used to monitor the learning. Additionally, there are compulsory project works and an examination.


Anmälning och tillläggsinformation