Omfattning: 10

Tidtabel: 04.06.2019 - 30.08.2019

Ansvarslärare (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Designer in Residence Pirjo Kääriäinen (ARTS), Professor Tapani Vuorinen (CHEM)

Kontaktuppgifter till kursens personal (gäller denna kursomgång): 

Professors: Pirjo Kääriäinen & Tapani Vuorinen

Tutoring: Jinze Dou

Student tutors: Nina Riutta & Iines Jakovlev

Undervisningsperiod (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Summer period (June-August)

Lärandemål (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

After completing the CHEMARTS Summer School successfully, participants are able to envision how advanced wood-based biomaterials can be used to make our living environment more comfortable and sustainable. Students understand how to come up with innovative ideas related to biomaterials, and how to develop those ideas further with holistic approach, by experimentation and hands-on prototyping. Students are aware of strengths and challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration, and are willing to apply that knowledge to their forthcoming projects. Students learn how to communicate research and design processes and results professionally.

Innehåll (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

CHEMARTS Summer School is an intensive, experimental and interdisciplinary course focusing on wood-derived materials research. It is strongly based on ecological values. During the first phase in June students familiarise with Finnish wood-based biomaterials and some working methods used in materials research and design practice. For the second phase (July-August) students define their projects either in teams, pairs or individually. Students continue to develop their project(s) independently throughout the summer, supported by peers, tutors and external experts. Documentation and presentations have an important role in the learning process. The results will be exhibited publicly in September. There is an option to continue the project work further during the following semester, for example in Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis.


The Summer School starts with thematic lectures, visits, discussions, independent background research and creative hands-on workshops. In July-August the working process is mainly self-driven. Working in teams/pairs is recommended. Tutoring is available according to students’ needs, and team meetings with or without the tutor will be organized regularly. Students receive feedback in several phases, and the final feedback and evaluation will happen in the end of August.

Närmare beskrivning av kursens innehåll (gäller denna kursomgång): 

This year the overall theme is Value from plant residues’. You’ll familiarize with the basic and applied materials research and the design/art + science collaboration. 

The first phase in June includes lectures, 4-day camp at HAMK Lepaa Campus and hands-on workshops. 

The participants will continue their project(s) throughout the summer, depending on their plan and how many credits they are working for. Team work or working in pairs is recommended, however students can work also for their own projects related to bio-based materials. The working process will be documented in personal learning diaries. 

The student projects will be exhibited at a gardening exhibition at Lepaa 15.-17.8. and at Otaniemi campus during the Helsinki Design Week 5.-15.9.2919. 

Metoder, arbetssätt och bedömningsgrunder (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Material required for the evaluation: Documented working process (learning diary including photos or videos), tangible material samples or/and prototypes, final presentation.

Evaluation criteria: 1) Ideation and idea development 2) Research, experimental planning and prototyping and 3) Process documentation including presentations 4) Activity and teamwork.

Närmare information om bedömningsgrunderna och -metoderna och om hur den studerande kan ta del av bedömningen (gäller denna kursomgång): 

To pass the course you need to:

-do the two given preassignments 

-participate actively in joint meetings (this will be discussed in the first meeting)

-present your process and project results on Thursday 29.8. (final presentation)

-send your learning diary by Monday 9.9. to:


Studiematerial (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Will be announced when the course starts.

Kursens webbplats (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 


Förkunskaper (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Design Meets Biomaterials (CHEM-A1610, 3-5 cr) course is mandatory for CHEMARTS minor program students and recommended for all other Summer School applicants. To have an acces to laboratories, all students need to pass Laboratory Safety Course (CHEM-E0140,0 cr ) either before or in the beginning of the Summer School.

Bedömningsskala (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 


Anmälning (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Sign in Weboodi and send a motivation letter (max A4) to Pirjo Kääriäinen ( by the 30th of March. Please describe shortly 1) your previous studies, 2) what is your personal interest related to biomaterials and 3) what could be your input in interdisciplinary teamwork. Students will be selected according to their previous studies and their personal interests expressed in the motivation letter, in order to ensure highly motivated interdisciplinary team. Priority will be given for students ready to work for the whole summer and aiming for CHEMARTS minor. Accepted students will be informed latest by the 8th of April.

The order of priority for admitting students to courses at Aalto ARTS


Tilläggsinformation (är i kraft 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

CHEMARTS is a long-term collaboration in education and research between the School of Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS) and the School of Chemical Engineering (CHEM), aiming to inspire students and researchers to explore biomaterials together. CHEMARTS summer courses have been organized since 2012. The Summer School is targeted especially for students of ARTS or CHEM, but any other Aalto University students are very welcome. Max. 20 students.

Närmare information om tidtabellen (gäller denna kursomgång): 


Anmälning och tillläggsinformation