Please note! Course description is confirmed for two academic years (1.8.2018-31.7.2020), which means that in general, e.g. Learning outcomes, assessment methods and key content stays unchanged. However, via course syllabus, it is possible to specify or change the course execution in each realization of the course, such as how the contact sessions are organized, assessment methods weighted or materials used.


The student can outline the basic operation of generic RF (radio frequency) electronic circuits, design RF electronic circuits, test experimentally the performance of a circuit, and analyse the basic factors that affect its performance. Furthermore, the student can solve design problems collaboratively in small groups, and present project results in a concise and comprehensible manner. Finally, the student understands principles and masters practices of common microwave measurements.

Credits: 5

Schedule: 07.09.2020 - 14.12.2020

Teacher in charge (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022): Clemens Icheln, Juha Mallat

Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Clemens Icheln, Juha Mallat

Contact information for the course (valid 11.08.2020-21.12.2112):

Univ. Lect. Clemens Icheln, Sen.
Univ. Lect. Juha Mallat, as well as Veli-Pekka Kutinlahti and Riku Kormilainen as course assistants - use for all

CEFR level (applies in this implementation):

Language of instruction and studies (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022):

Teaching language: English

Languages of study attainment: English


  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    System-level design and evaluation of RF devices, also considering noise and non-linearity. I.e., design of active RF circuits, and experimental evaluation of a prototype, including measurements of output spectrum and of scattering parameters.

  • Applies in this implementation:

    1. System-level design and evaluation of microwave devices, also considering noise and non-linearity.
      • Design of active microwave circuits such as a radio transceiver, as well as experimental evaluation of a prototype, including basic network analysis (i.e. of scattering-parameters) through vector-network-analyser (VNA) measurements.
    2. Microwave measurement metrology, for spectrum analysis, network analysis, power and noise measurements, and other applications.

Assessment Methods and Criteria
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    In-class quizzes, learning diaries, reporting group project results in a seminar, and a final in-class quiz.

  • Applies in this implementation:

    course is graded 0-5, based on the following
    assessment methods (for each "sub-grade", the weight in the final course grade is given in %). There are no compulsory parts. There is no make-up exam nor any additional
    assessment possibility!

    • Lesson
      tests (35 %): Students take four in-class lesson tests/quizzes distributed over
      the course duration. One lesson test take approximately 40 minutes. Attendance in class or in Zoom is required to have the online quizzes fully graded.
      The three best results will be counted into this sub-grade (so you can
      skip/fail one lesson test without affecting your chances for the best
      possible total "lesson-tests" grade).
    • Project
      work (50 %): Related to the project, students return three learning
      diaries that are assessed (10%). The final project
      seminar presentation (in class or in Zoom) contributes most to this sub-grade (40%), because this presentation
      is one key evidence of the student’s success in reaching this course’s learning
    • Final
      quiz (15%): The final quiz at the end of the course follows the same online format as lesson tests but is a bit more extensive. The aim is to assess students' overall comprehension
      of the course contents.

  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Contact hours 30 h (2 h about every week). Independent work 105 h.

  • Applies in this implementation:

    • 5 ECTS 5 x 27 hours = 135 hours of working
    • 15 x 2 hours = 30 hours of contact teaching (also in Zoom) 2 hours per week
    • 50 hours of independent studies,  average 2-3 hours per week
    • 55 hours of project work,  average 3 hours per week
    • The given
      number of hours for students' work is only indicative. It is subject to
      e.g. pre-knowledge and skills of a student (see pre-requisites).


Study Material
  • Applies in this implementation:

    The main course text book is: Teppati et al (ed.): Modern RF and Microwave Measurement Techniques(2013)

    The second recommended text book is: R.J. Collier, A.D. Skinner: Microwave Measurements, IET (2007)

    A third text book is available: N. B. Carvalho, D. Schreurs: Microwave and Wireless Measurement Techniques (2013)

    Supplementary textbook in Finnish: A. Lehto, A. Räisänen: Mikroaaltomittaustekniikka, Otatieto, TKY 875, (2007)

    if getting the course book from the library is a problem (e.g. too few
    copies), please let us teachers know. We don't have a copy for every
    student since some students have own copies already, but we want to have
    just enough so that all who need can borrow one copy.

    Within the course topic sections there are additional links to selected reading (e.g. manufacturers' application notes)

Substitutes for Courses
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    S-26.3120 Radio Engineering, laboratory course

  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Basic vector network analyzer/spectrum analyzer measurements, understanding of active RF components (diode/transistor biasing, stability, matching), microstrip-line design of passive components (filters, couplers, etc.).


Details on the schedule
  • Applies in this implementation:

    For lecture schedules see section "Course Schedule"
    Important project-work return deadlines:
    • October 2, i.e. soon after the Monday session: Upload to the return folder in MyCourses:

      1. Group: The Gerber file containing final layouts of all your sub-circuits to the individual student return folder.
      2. Student: Personal learning diary #1 of the first part of the project work (see return box below)
    • November 09 by 10 a.m.: Upload to the return folders in MyCourses:
      1. Upload your presentation slideset (final draft) to MyCourses
        to the "Intermediate project seminar" activity below this paragraph by 10 a.m.. Slides should contain relevant measured results, showing the individual circuit operates as expected. Also consider its suitability for operation within the radar setup.
      2. By Wednesday, Nov. 11: Personal learning diary #2 of the second part of the project work (see return box below)
    • December 14, by 10 p.m.: Upload to the return folders in MyCourses:

      • Upload your presentation slideset (final
        draft) to MyCourses to the "Final project seminar" activity below this
        paragraph. Teachers will go through them and give some comments before the final seminar.

      • by Wednesday, Dec. 16, Learning diary #3 of the final project (see return box below)
    • Regularly every 1-2 weeks: Short status report of your progress in your individual return folder in MyCourses
    Final project presentation session on December 14, at 12 o'clock sharp:
    • Each
      student presents their project results and achievements to the other students.
    • Presentations
      must be concise as each presentation can last max. 7 minutes! After
      each presentation there is ~5 minutes for questions and


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