Please note! Course description is confirmed for two academic years (1.8.2018-31.7.2020), which means that in general, e.g. Learning outcomes, assessment methods and key content stays unchanged. However, via course syllabus, it is possible to specify or change the course execution in each realization of the course, such as how the contact sessions are organized, assessment methods weighted or materials used.


The purpose of the course is to provide a comprehensive understanding about the factors that affect the reliability of novel electronic products. The emphasis is placed on the fundamentals of electronics integration and packaging, accelerated reliability testing, life-time prediction methods and physics of failure analysis and mechanisms. After the course, the student should have a general understanding on the most common materials, structures, manufacturing methods and failure mechanisms of typical electronic components, packages, modules and devices.

Credits: 5

Schedule: 08.09.2020 - 08.12.2020

Teacher in charge (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022): Mervi Paulasto-Kröckel, Vesa Vuorinen

Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Mervi Paulasto-Kröckel, Vesa Vuorinen

Contact information for the course (valid 10.08.2020-21.12.2112):

For all course related matters please contact the responsible teacher:

CEFR level (applies in this implementation):

Language of instruction and studies (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022):

Teaching language: English

Languages of study attainment: English


  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Basics of the design for reliability and manufacturability. FMEA analysis and reliability metrology. Reliability prediction methods of electronic products. Different accelerated reliability testing methods. Electronics packaging and integration. Failure mechanisms related failure analysis methods in different hierarchical levels of electronic systems.

  • Applies in this implementation:

    The course is divided into three parts: The first part covers generic reliability design related issues, the second part focuses on reliability testing and in the third part the most common failure mechanisms at different interconnection and packaging levels are presented.
    Please, find more details from "Materials section" and first lecture slides.

Assessment Methods and Criteria
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Midterm exams and Assignments

  • Applies in this implementation:

    The grading is based on three midterm exams and two assignments.
    Please, find more details from "Materials section" and first lecture slides.

  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Lectures and Midterm exams  44h

    Independent work (Incl. Assignments) 88h

  • Applies in this implementation:

    Please, find more details from "Materials section" and first lecture slides.


Study Material
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Handouts with supplementary backing material

    For self-studying or distant learning:

    Laurila, T., Vuorinen, V., Paulasto-Kröckel, M., Turunen, M., Mattila, T.T., Kivilahti, J., Interfacial Compatibility in Microelectronics

    J. Liu, Reliability of Microtechnology

    D. Crow, A. Feinberg, Design for reliability

    D. H. Stamatis, Failure mode and effect analysis: FMEA from theory to execution

  • Applies in this implementation:

    The books listed above cover the main parts of the course, but it is not necessary (or even recommended) to try to read all of those from beginning to end.
    For those students who are able to attend the lectures the provided lecture slides (and possible extra) data should provide enough for the midterm exams.
    For self studying there will be few references mentioned in each lecture slides and/or some additional material is provided in the lecture folders.

Substitutes for Courses
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    S-113.3141 Design for Reliability


Details on the schedule
  • Applies in this implementation:

    Lectures on Tuesdays and Thursdays 8-10 o'clock. At least all first period lectures will be given either as live TEAMS lectures or recorded Panopto videos. For detailed data please, check each lecture folder from "Materials section".

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