Please note! Course description is confirmed for two academic years, which means that in general, e.g. Learning outcomes, assessment methods and key content stays unchanged. However, via course syllabus, it is possible to specify or change the course execution in each realization of the course, such as how the contact sessions are organized, assessment methods weighted or materials used.


Students will gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of the theory of documentary film with varying themes and will critically examine the tradition of the documentary mode. Students will be able to apply theoretical concepts to the analysis of documentary films, and explore theoretical frameworks for their own MA written thesis.

Credits: 2

Schedule: 30.11.2020 - 04.12.2020

Teacher in charge (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022): Arturo Delgado Pereira

Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Arturo Delgado Pereira

Contact information for the course (valid 26.11.2020-21.12.2112):

Theory of Documentary Film 2 (ELO-E1537)

Major in Documentary Film


Department of Film, Television and Scenography

ELO, Aalto University


Dates: 30.11-04.12

Time: See individual schedule below.

Online course:

Responsible teacher: Arturo Delgado Pereira

Teaching Language: English

Credits: 2cr



Summarized schedule: 

MON 30.   10am-12:30

TUE 1.        10am-12:30

WED 2.      10:30am-4:30pm    

THU  3.      10:30am-4:30pm    

FRI  4.         09am-4pm    

CEFR level (applies in this implementation):

Language of instruction and studies (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022):

Teaching language: English

Languages of study attainment: English


  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    The course will explore different aspects of documentary film theory. The content will vary and could explore landmark theories in documentary film as well as new theoretical and conceptual approaches to the field. The course could also take students’ own MA thesis ideas as the starting point in order to help students build theoretical frameworks around their dissertation projects.

  • Applies in this implementation:


    This course will offer the students the possibility of engaging with documentary theory from three different stand points: academy, artists and curators. Students will gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of important concepts in academia, art and critical practice pertaining documentary film. Through readings, screenings and discussions students will be able to critically examine the tradition of the documentary mode, as well as having a better understanding of how the documentary film community (academia, artists, curators, etc.), challenges, builds and rebuilds documentary philosophy, conventions and canons. 


    ILONA HONGISTO (Monday 30 Nov. and Tuesday 1 Dec.) 

    Ilona Hongisto is Professor of Film Studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway; Honorary Senior Lecturer in Media Studies, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia; Adjunct Professor (Docent) in Documentary Film, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland; Adjunct Professor (Docent) in Media Theory and Aesthetics, University of Turku, Finland. Hongisto works across film and media studies, critical theory and political philosophy, specialising in questions concerning the ethics and aesthetics of documentary cinema. Hongisto’s current interests include fabulation, serial forms of storytelling, the documentary frame, film production and financing, the festival circuit, and Eastern European documentary cinema. Hongisto is affiliated with the following research groups and centres: Networking European Scholarship on ‘How Matter Comes to Matter’ (EU COST Action); The SenseLab (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada); SELMA: Centre for the Study of Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory (University of Turku, Finland); Centre for Media History (Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia). 

    NUNO LISBOA (Wednesday 2, Thursday 3 and Friday 4 Dec.)

    Nuno Lisboa is a film programmer, teacher and director. Since 2006, Lisboa is curator at Doc’s Kingdom international seminar on documentary film, which he directs since 2013. Organized by the Portuguese Documentary Association, Doc’s Kingdom annually gathers a community of 100 participants and 10 featured filmmakers for an immersive program of film screenings, collective discussions and intergenerational encounters. Along two decades Doc’s Kingdom has been developing a unique method of collaborative programming and collective debating, and is originally inspired by the Annual Robert Flaherty Film Seminar, established in 1955 by Frances Flaherty in the USA. In 2017, Lisboa was the guest programmer of the 63rd Flaherty Seminar — “Future Remains”. Lisboa regularly teaches higher education film courses since 2001, at Escola Superior de Artes e Design Caldas da Rainha (2001-2016), at ESCAC  Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya (since 2018), and at Aalto University Helsinki — ELO Film School Finland (2019), among other institutions. Nuno Lisboa graduated in Communication Sciences at NOVA University in Lisbon in 1998, where he is now developing a PhD in Film and Television, having meanwhile pursued film studies in research and artistic practice contexts such as the Gulbenkian Program for Artistic Creation and Creativity, UnionDocs Center for Documentary Art, and ARCHIMEDIA — European Training Network for the Promotion of Cinema Heritage.


    JOHN SKOOG. (Friday 4 Dec)

    John Skoog is a filmmaker, artist and researcher. John is a film professor at Kunsthochschule in Mainz (Germany). In his films, videos, and photography Skoog combines research into history and everyday life with a poetic and fictional atmosphere that is grounded in the film and literary traditions. His work explores social contexts of individuals and communities; unpacking their complex relationship to collective rituals and historical forces, as well as to existential and natural scenarios of transition. Skoog’s works make clear references to mythological iconography; they remind us of the profane origins of myth and in this way they aim to demystify both nature and society.

    His work has been in museums and film festivals around the world such as Busan Inernational Film Festival, Busan (2016); Berlin International Film Festival; Fade into you: Cameron Jamie & John Skoog, Kunsthalle Mainz, MainzAnn Arbor International Film FestEdinburgh International Film Festival, Edinburgh (2015)amongst many others. John’s documentary feature film debut, Ridge (2019), won the DOX: Award at the 2019 CPH-DOX.

Assessment Methods and Criteria
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Lectures, readings, film screenings, and discussions. Students will be required to research, read and summarize documentary theory literature during independent study time. Completing the course involves students’ active participation in class and the completion of a written assignment or oral presentation.

  • Applies in this implementation:


    Read Prologue of Soul of the Documentary prior to the first day of class. You find a copy of the book in the material section of the course (MyCourses) and in the link below. Please prepare some questions about the reading to discuss in class.


    Final assignment consists on fulfilling the attendance and preparation for the sessions (reading and watching assigned texts and films) are mandatory to pass the course. Additionally, there might be small writing tasks to complete during the course.

  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Lectures: 16-27h
    Independent study: 27-65h

  • Applies in this implementation:



    MONDAY 30 Nov.

    10am-12:30 Ilona Hongisto: Soul of the Documentary. 

    Assignment: Read Prologue of Ilona’s book Soul of the Documentary before session. 

    TUESDAY 1 Dec.

    10am-12:30: Ilona Hongisto: Soul of the Documentary. 


    READ before session the following chapters from Ilona’s book Soul of the Documentary: 

    Chapter 1. Imagination: Frames of the photograph. 

    Chapter 3. Fabulation: Making up legends. 

    WATCH Grey Gardens (Albert & David Maysles, 1975)

    WEDNESDAY 2 Dec. 

    10:30am-4:30pm Nuno Lisboa. Against Illustration. 


    THURSDAY 3 Dec.

    10:30am-4:30pm Nuno Lisboa. Beyond Transparency. 


    FRIDAY 4 Dec. 

    9-11 am: John Skoog: Location, location, location. 

    12-4pm: Nuno Lisboa. Despite Intentions. 


Study Material
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Study material changes according to course content.