Please note! Course description is confirmed for two academic years (1.8.2018-31.7.2020), which means that in general, e.g. Learning outcomes, assessment methods and key content stays unchanged. However, via course syllabus, it is possible to specify or change the course execution in each realization of the course, such as how the contact sessions are organized, assessment methods weighted or materials used.


After completion of the course the student:

  • Will be able to reframe a problem taking into account the different stakeholders, societal impact, and at least one of the sustainable development goals
  • Will understand how to design with incomplete information
  • Will be able to apply user centered design
  • Will understand the value of and be able to apply iterative prototyping
  • Will be able to communicate fluently orally, by writing as well as by visual and other means
  • Will be able to work in international interdisciplinary team

Credits: 5

Schedule: 02.11.2020 - 13.12.2020

Teacher in charge (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022): Katja Hölttä-Otto, Katja Hölttä-Otto

Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Katja Hölttä-Otto, Katja Hölttä-Otto

Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):

CEFR level (applies in this implementation):

Language of instruction and studies (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022):

Teaching language: English

Languages of study attainment: English


  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    The course is the first course in the ME310 Global Innovation Program sequence, which is part of a global ME310/Sugar network. It is one of the most intensive, yet rewarding project courses taught at Aalto University. Students of design, business and engineering come together as interdisciplinary teams to work on a year-long real-life challenge brought forward by an international company.

    During this year they partner up with students from other universities in the global ME310/SUGAR network to form a global design team.

    Through the course of the project, students learn, apply, and experience the Stanford Design Thinking Process. The process is based on need finding, benchmarking, iterative prototyping and user testing to enable students to quickly learn about the field at hand and create and validate innovative ideas. User insights are uncovered and creative solutions are developed, engaging a range of different design thinking tools and techniques. The result is a detailed design solution that integrates desirability, viability and feasibility.

    For further information, please visit the webpage:

Assessment Methods and Criteria
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    The course is graded mostly as a team, but there is also an individual component.

    The grades are given for each mission based on the goal of each mission as well as for the end of course deliverables including presentations, documentation and prototype(s). Individual component reflects the individual contribution.


  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    The course will meet on two almost full days a week with a semi-regular schedule. As needed some events may happen also on the other days, including a one week trip to a member university of the global ME310/Sugar network. The course consists of lectures, challenges, reviews and significant project work.




  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:


SDG: Sustainable Development Goals

    9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    12 Responsible Production and Consumption



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