Please note! Course description is confirmed for two academic years, which means that in general, e.g. Learning outcomes, assessment methods and key content stays unchanged. However, via course syllabus, it is possible to specify or change the course execution in each realization of the course, such as how the contact sessions are organized, assessment methods weighted or materials used.


After completing the course:

  1. The student understands the basic linear techniques for biomedical signal processing from a fundamental and intuitive geometrical perspective.
  2. The student can give a basic description of commonly used non-linear techniques and knows when to prefer them to linear techniques.
  3. Given a scientific question and biomedical measurement, the student can select and apply suitable techniques and contribute to data analysis at various stages.
  4. The student recognizes the risk of overinterpreting the results of an analysis.

Credits: 5

Schedule: 03.09.2024 - 04.12.2024

Teacher in charge (valid for whole curriculum period):

Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Stephane Deny

Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):

CEFR level (valid for whole curriculum period):

Language of instruction and studies (applies in this implementation):

Teaching language: English. Languages of study attainment: English


  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    This course covers some of the essential notions needed to analyse biomedical data, including basic statistical concepts, spectral methods, linear methods and non-linear methods for analyzing time-series and other multi-dimensional data.

Assessment Methods and Criteria
  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    exam, exercises

  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    lectures, exercise sessions, homework


Study Material
  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    Handouts of lecture slides, and code snippets. Additional material may be made available during the course.

Substitutes for Courses


Further Information
  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    Teaching Language: English

    Teaching Period: 2024-2025 Autumn I - II
    2025-2026 Autumn I - II