Business communication skills 61A00200 Group 7 Mark Badham, 26.10.-4.12.2015
This course aims to give you a clear insight into what constitutes effective oral and written business communication in a fast-paced global business environment, and provides you with the opportunity to develop your own workplace communication skills.
The course is highly interactive and task-oriented. Case analyses, simulations, written assignments and individual and team presentations will allow you to practise the theories and key concepts introduced during the course. Peer and lecturer feedback will give you a clear picture of your present communication skills, and an indication of how you can enhance your performance.
Place your individual Critical Appraisal here - due midnight 9 December. Make use of written and oral feedback from fellow students, oral feedback from your teacher, and the video of your team presentation. Use the guidelines available here in MyCourses.
Place both your slides and final Strategy Outline here. Your Strategy Outline is due 5pm Tuesday 1 December. Your slides are due by 2pm Wednesday 2 December.
Place your Individual Persuasive Presentation reflection paper (A2b) here - due 5pm Wednesday 18 November
Place your In-class Test written task here.
Due 5pm on Friday 6 November.
The final version of this group assignment is due by 9am on Wednesday 11 November. Please submit it here.
Here are the teacher's slides for each week.
Here are some handouts. Some of these may be used for class discussion.
Assignments at a glance
A1: Written request (25%). Deadlines: 04.11 (draft); 11.11 (final version)
This group assignment requires you to analyse a communication situation (10%) and to write a persuasive request (15%) to top management.
A2: Persuasive presentation (20%). Deadlines: 06.11 (outline); 11.11 (presentation); 5pm 18.11 (reflection)
This individual assignment requires you to prepare and give a short 6-8 minute persuasive presentation to fellow classmates. You will be graded on two deliverables: a strategy outline (10%) and a reflection paper (10%).
A3: In-class closed book test (20%): 18.11. This closed-book test will be based on chapters 1, 3 & 4 of the Munter course textbook.
A4: Persuasive team presentation (25%). Deadlines: midday 24.11 (outline & preview slide); 02.12 (presentation); 09.12 (appraisal)
In groups, you will give a 15-minute persuasive presentation (15%). You will also write a one-page critical appraisal (single-spaced) of your presentation (10%).