Intended Learning Outcomes
After the course you will:
- be able to observe the environment from the learning perspective and identify aspects to support students' learning process.
- recognize ways to how to supports students' study motivation
- identify your role as a learning instructor and find ways to regulate your behavior adjusted to students' needs.
Substitutes for other courses
This course has not any prerequisites. If you are interested in to continue your pedagogical studies after this course, you may credit it into A! Peda Intro (5 cr) -course. Please contact course teachers for more information.
Course structure and timetable
The course consists of 3 half-day teaching sessions, independent work, group working and e-learning.
Teaching session #1 in September (similar content in each), open for all interested teaching assistants:
Wednesday 7.9.2016 at 12.15-16.00, especially for mathematics and system analysis course assistants, instruction language mainly Finnish, location lecture room M240, Otakaari 1
Thursday 8.9.2016 at 13.00-16.00, especially for CS department course assistants, instruction language mainly Finnish, location room A238 (T4), Konemiehentie 2 (CS building)
Friday 9.9.2016 at 9.00-12.00, especially for physics and NBE course assistants, instruction language mainly English, location room U356, Otakaari 1
The course enrolment in late September. The participants in the course are divided to home groups (3-6 members) by the teaching staff. Each group contains assistants from different departments.
Learning assignment #1, by 4.11.2016: reading article (4 hrs), reading circle (4 hrs), learning diary (6 hrs)
Teaching session #2 on Friday 4.11.2016 9.00-12.00 in T5, CS building, Konemiehentie 2.
Learning assignment #2, by 19.12.2016: reading article (4 hrs), teaching observations (4 hrs), group meeting (4 hrs), blog-post in MyCourses (6 hrs)
Teaching session #3 on Monday 19.12.2016 12.00-15.00 in TU6, Tuas building, Maarintie 8.
There will be another implementation of this course in spring 2017 (if enough participants).

Course teachers
Course is organized by Aalto University School of Science Learning Services in cooperation with University Pedagogical training network. Course teachers are Kirsti Keltikangas and Jukka Parviainen (, specialists at Learning services.