
  • If you are going to proceed the course "Teaching assistant as a learning instructor (2cr)", please follow these instuctions and make the assignments! After the enrolment, participants are divided to groups (3-6 members) by the teaching staff.

    • Learning assignment #1: Learning at the university (e.g. motivation, approaches to learning)

      The assignment consists of 4 parts:

      1. Reading the article (Biggs and Tang: Teaching for Quality Learning at University, Chapter 2)

      2. Posting at least 2 comments or questions of the article in the discussion forum. The forum is visible only for the group members

      3. Having a learning circle (lukupiiri) of it in a group and

      4. Writing and submitting individually a learning diary of this process by Friday 4.11.2016 (Teaching session #2)

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      The reading task in Learning Assignment #1 is Chapter 2, "Teaching according to how students learn", p. 16-33.

      The e-book is available by Aalto Library (max 6 simultaneous Aalto users). You may even download parts of that as PDF and print up to 100 pages, e.g., Chapter 2. Paper copies are available by request.

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      The visibility of the discussion forum is restricted to home group members and instructors.

      • FIRST POST(S): Introduce yourself to others in the group by sending a greeting message. Decide and publish the date and place of your group meeting, e.g., using Doodle
      • BEFORE the actual meeting, every participant writes here at least 2 comments or questions you find interesting according to the article.
      • LEARNING CIRCLE:  You can start by presenting comments or questions of the posts. Discuss on the topic. In the end of the session, a group sends a summary into forum.
    • Learning assignment #2: Interaction and feedback on teaching situation

      The assignment consists of 4 parts:

      1. Reading the article (Hemminki, Leppänen, Valovirta: Get inspired / Innostu ja onnistu, Section 3)

      2. Observing 1-3 teaching situation(s), preferably your group member

      3. Having a group meeting

      4. Sharing your findings in the discussion forum by Monday 19.12.2016

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      You may observe and reflect on a teaching situation with your own words, or use the following form.

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      The reading task in Learning Assignment #2 is Section 3 "Kuinka luon oppimista tukevat puitteet?"

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      The reading task in Learning Assignment #2 is Section 3 "How do I create an environment that supports learning?"

    • Additional material

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      "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding" is a 19-minute award-winning short-film about teaching at university and higher-level educational institutions. It is based on the "Constructive Alignment" theory developed by Prof. John Biggs. The film delivers a foundation for understanding what a teacher needs to do in order to make sure all types of students actually learn what the teacher intends.

      Part 1/3: Meet Susan and Robert, deep and surface learning, and three levels what students are, what teachers are, and what students do.

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      Part 2/3: Active learning as a tool for deep understanding. SOLO taxonomy.