
    • Pre-assignment

    • Homework 1

    • Instructions:

      • Take a look at the excel table (see below):  “Providing and Utilizing Feedback - Homework1: Who provides feedback and on what”. Save it to your computer.
      • Consider the different source and the levels of feedback processes (students’, teachers’, organizations’ etc.).  Answer the given questions based on the source.
      • When you answer the questions in the table, think about the different actors and what kind of feedback they provide. For example when you think about yourself, what is your feedback about? Is it about the goals/content or about course design. What about the students? On what they give feedback? Or if you receive feedback from a program leader or an employer what kind of feedback is that?
      • Submit your table in MyCourses – Assignments – Homework 1
      • Deadline is 11th December 2016.

    • Project work & Homework 2

    • Homework 2:

      - Please submit your project work by 10.1. (this assignment is for those who do 5 cr version of the course)

      - Please provide written feedback on a project work, DL 16.1.17 (this assignment is for all participants)

           Find the person whose project work you are asked to give feedback on (see below). Each project work will have 1-2 feedback providers.

           Read the project work and provide written feedback on it. Go through the material we have discussed in the course e.g. the article you read as a pre-assignment, slides and references in MyCourses (additional material & reading). Try to put into action all that you know/have learned about constructive feedback and GROW model when you provide the feedback.

      It might help you to give feedback if you first read Project work assignment, which you will find in MyCourses, Assignments. When you read the project work you can pay attention to e.g., what kind of feedback authors use to identify the problem/process that needs to be developed? Do you understand what is the problem and why it is a problem? Does the actual development plan sound realistic? Do you have suggestions what the author might consider doing differently?

           Please post your written feedback by replying to the original post. You can attach the commented pdf-file, the separate file containing your comments or just simply sending your feedback as reply to the original post. This is an open discussion forum and it is visible for all participants in this course.  



      Peers who provide feedback: please submit your feedback to MyCourses by 16.1.2017 (table updated 13.1.17)
      Author of the project work Peers who provide feedback  
      Ari Ora Alexei Koveshnikov Elina Turunen
      Behnam Zakeri Hanna Liisa Hakala Loay Saeed
      Benjamin Wilson Tomi Laurila Ari Ora  
      Hanna Liisa Hakala Behnam Zakeri Pekka Joensuu
      Heikki Remes & Arttu Polojärvi Markus Joutsela Oskar Franzén Zhipei Sun
      Kenneth Pennington Heikki Remes Sara Rönkkönen
      Nuutti Hyvönen Petri Ala-Laurila Benjamin Wilson
      Pekka Joensuu Nuutti Hyvönen Victor Ovchinnikov
      Petri Ala-Laurila Wojciech  Solowski Yu Xiao
      Wojciech  Solowski Kenneth Pennington Arttu Polojärvi Tarik Taleb