MS-E2108 - Systeemianalyysin erikoistyöt (V), 2016-2017
1) Start your work and agree the topic. Contact laboratory's professors and researchers.
2) Working on the topic and writing the report
3) Return the report and grading 1-5
4) Archive. Send your report to the web archive (secretary Minna Westerlund, and see instructions for making PDF and ZIP archive (contains report document files, figures, codes and all files that are needed to make the report).The first page contains:
- title
- course name: MS-E2108 Independent research projects in systems analysis
- your name
- date
- instructor's name (if the work is done outside laboratory, the name of the company/department)
- supervisor's name.
Also add the following text so that it can be added to web:
"The document can be stored and made available to the public on the open internet pages of Aalto University. All other rights are reserved."
For more information, contact your instruction/supervisor.