Osion kuvaus

  • 1) Start your work and agree the topic. Contact laboratory's professors and researchers.
    2) Working on the topic and writing the report
    3) Return the report and grading 1-5
    4) Archive. Send your report to the web archive (secretary Minna Westerlund, firstname.lastname@aalto.fi) and see instructions for making PDF and ZIP archive (contains report document files, figures, codes and all files that are needed to make the report).

    The first page contains:

    • title
    • course name: MS-E2108 Independent research projects in systems analysis
    • your name
    • date
    • instructor's name (if the work is done outside laboratory, the name of the company/department)
    • supervisor's name

    Also add the following text so that it can be added to web:

    "The document can be stored and made available to the public on the open internet pages of Aalto University. All other rights are reserved."

    For more information, contact your instruction/supervisor.