Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (5 cr) spring 2017
Osion kuvaus
Welcome to the course!
Learning and teaching in higher education course belongs to pedagogical training entity (25 cr).
After the course, you will:
- be able to identify, define and evaluate factors
that affect your choices and decisions in teaching
be able to recognise different theories of learning
and you have become aware of how they
affect your teaching
- have formed your own theory-in-use for teaching
- be able to understand your own teaching in a wider context and envisage the expertise provided by your own field of teaching and the future prospects of the field.
Thursday 2 February 2017 9:00 - 15:30 Otaniemi, Sähkömiehentie 3, Maari building room 229 Wednesday 15 February 2017 9:00 - 15:30 FAZER/C-331, Töölö Tuesday 7 March 2017 9:00 - 15:30 FAZER/C-331, Töölö Tuesday 28 March 2017 9:00 - 15:30 Otakaari 1, M140, Majakka WELCOME TO THE COURSE!
Wishing Maire and Päivi
Maire Syrjäkari (responsible teacher), maire.syrjakari@aalto.fi
Päivi Kinnunen, paivi.kinnunen@aalto.fi
This forum is also for general discussion.
- be able to identify, define and evaluate factors
that affect your choices and decisions in teaching