Water and Environmental Engineering, Portfolio 2017 -
Topic outline
NOTE: This page is no longer updated. Please, see here for the updated information on WAT Portfolio, Master's Thesis process, and well-being:
Course: WAT Personal Learning Portfolio, Topic: Master's Thesis Process (aalto.fi)
This page contains instructions concerning the Master's Thesis process in WAT programme and Aalto School of Engineering.
Please do also read the two key documents i.e. Thesis instructions and Thesis checklists: they are available as .pdf below.
Make sure your also read the INTO pages concerning Completing your Master's Thesis & Graduation.
You can also find some links to the courses offered by the Language Center, and a Discussion Forum to share other beneficial links, hints, thoughts and for example to find peer support or ask practical questions concerning the thesis.
WAT Master's Thesis processThe Thesis process is a compulsory part of WAT studies (except for the students who started in the WAT programme in September 2016), so please make sure you are familiar with it. The detailed instructions are in the pdf document below, but the main steps of the process are:
Attending (listening to) one Master's thesis seminar
Presenting your research proposal in WAT Master's thesis pre-seminar
Attending a Finalizing session
Presenting your finalized thesis in WAT Master's thesis seminar
The Thesis schedule
The Thesis is scheduled for the 2nd study year's spring semester, but the implementation depends on your individual study plan. You should, however, start thinking about your interest areas already during the 1st study year and start the Thesis process in the spring term, or the 2nd year's autumn term by attending one Master's Thesis seminar and reading the Aalto ENG guidelines for Master's Thesis (please see the instructions for details).
The Thesis work starts by contacting a WAT professor and agreeing on the topic. The actual work should take around 6 months, during which you will write a research plan and present it in the WAT pre-seminar, write the thesis and attend the finalizing session, and present the finalized theses in WAT Master's Thesis seminar.
WAT Master's Thesis seminar dates, autumn 2022
The seminar starts always at 15.00 (3pm sharp) @Water Building room 247a (following the seminar through Teams is still possible, but presenters ought to attend at campus).
- Wed 17 th Aug
- Wed 14th Sept
- Wed 19th Oct
- Wed 9th Nov
- Wed 14th Dec
Note: these are also the dates for pre-seminars and finalising sessions. The pre-seminar takes place in the same room (and Teams channel) at 14.00. The time of the finalising session will be agreed with the registered participants each month separately.REGISTER to the seminar, pre-seminar and finalising session at least one week before the planned date by sending an email to meeri.karvinen(at)aalto.fi. When registering to the pre-seminar and seminar, please, remember that you need to agree on the presentation date with your thesis supervisor and advisor(s).
Applying the thesis topic and evaluation/approval
You need to apply for the Master's Thesis topic, and for Master's Thesis evaluation and approval at least two weeks prior to a degree programme committee meeting. Please, see WAT Into -pages for detailed information and the programme committee meeting dates: Completing your thesis
The evaluation form used to grade your thesis, see here.
Useful links
Below you can find links to other Thesis-related pages and courses in Into and MyCourses. Please, use the Discussion forum to share the pages and courses you have found useful, so that we can add them into this page!
Into-pages- WAT Programme's main page:
- AaltoENG instructions for Master's thesis, Timetables of applications, thesis styleguides, thesis templates, TurnitIn links etc..
(Completing your master's thesis is under the title Planning your studies)
Courses facilitating the thesis process
LC-1320 Thesis Writing for Engineers (MSc) (w), 1-3 credits, in English
- LC-1315 Tools for Master's Thesis, 3 credits, in English
LC-7105 Thesis Incubator (w) 2 credits (for students having difficulties with the thesis and scientific text), in Finnish and in English
List of published WAT Master's thesis- https://www.aalto.fi/en/department-of-built-environment/water-and-environmental-engineering (in the end of the page)