Osion kuvaus

  • ENG's DigiDevelopment Studios - EDDS

    Take a chance to concentrate on developing your course as well as your competence in collaboration with your colleagues. You can approach educational technology from different angles.  

    How the usage of educational technology could increase flexibility and variation from both the teacher's and the student's point of view? How educational technology could improve interaction and collaboration?
    How educational technology could support the assessing of learning?
    Is educational technology able to provide more streamlined study paths?


    • Tukea opettajia hyödyntämään opetusteknologiaa opetuksessa ja opiskelussa pedagogisesti mielekkäällä ja perustellulla tavalla.
    • Perustana opetuksen linjakkuus ja oppimisen laatu.
    • Mahdollisuus kokeilla ohjatusti Aallon opetusteknologian tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia.

    • To support teachers to utilize educational technology in teaching and learning in a pedagogically meaningful and justified way.
    • Based on constructively aligned teaching (focus on what and how studens learn rather than on what topics the teacher is to teach)
    • The guided experimentation and training of Aalto's educational technology.