
  • Quality and Teaching

    Guest speakers prof. Pauliina Ilmonen, Dept. of Mathematics and System Operations, SCI

    + Head of Finance Jussi Välimäki, School of Business

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      Attached 4 photos of results of gallery walk group works

      Teachers/Students/programme directors/university management

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      Substitute assignment for those who were absent (whole day) on Friday 4.5.2018

      Topic of the assignment - Quality and Teaching (based also on the pre-assignment materials on quality)

      1. Would you please go read and go through the materials of the day (slides, group work results)

      2. Please write and reflect how you as a teacher have possibilities have effect on achieving better quality in teaching AND LEARNING?

      Reflect also your situation/role in your major/programme/or other unit - what possibilities you have in those?
      Please study also the funding model of Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture (you can find it in Jussi Välimäki's slides)
      How do you see the role of public funding in higher education (and its quality).

      3. Please write appr. 1- 1,5 A4 pages and submit it by 23.5.2018