Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (5 cr) spring 2018
Topic outline
Please note that home assignments in this page are in listed chronological order!
Oldest in the top, newest are lowest. You can also find them in each day's slide set.- CS 1 - 7.3.2018
- CS 2 - 21.3.2018
- CS 3 - 12.4.2018
- CS 4 - 4.5.2018
•The aim of the learning logs is to focus and follow your learning and become aware of your thought processes.•Learning log is a reflective writing concerning the topics presented in the contact sessions. It is a unique record of your thinking and learning during the course.•The learning log has to be completed within a week after the contact session. The length of the reflection is around 0,5-1 page.•Instructions and submission in MyCourses under each contact session materials
In the learning log you can think for example:
•What were your thoughts after the teaching session?•What supported your learning in the teaching session?•What kind of thoughts and ideas arouse to you concerning the themes presented?•How can you apply these ideas to your own teaching?•Where would you like to focus in the future? etc.•The logs are visible only for the teachers. -
Please submit here your learning log 3 from contact session 12.4.2018. See writing instructions from the first one.
First reading task
Read and familiarize yourself with Chapter 3 Discipline-based teaching from the book University teaching in focus: a learning-centred approach / edited by Lynne Hunt and Denise Chalmers. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2013.Chapter 3 Discipline-based teaching (written by Ray Land), pp. 38-55Second reading task
Browse through the following reports (see below). They will give you an idea about future work skills.•How do skills differ?•How should you take into account them in your teaching/minor/major/programme, or should you?•Consider your own field/discipline has it changed in past 10 years? What kind of skills/knowledge/competence are needed in the future in your field?1. Future Work Skills 2020. Institute for the Future for the University of Phoenix Research Institute. http://www.iftf.org/futureworkskills
2. What are the 21st-century skills every student needs? World economic forum.
Third task (find/read/write)
•Goal: Get some view of publications in your own field of education•Task: Choose one of the journals and browse papers published in 2014-2017•Select one or two different types of papers, which you find interestingWrite a short (500-1000 words) summary of the papers, in which you discuss•Goals / research questions of the paper•Motivation for the work. What is the problem addressed?•What data is collected and how it is analysed, if there is an empirical part in the work?•Are there any learning theories / models in the background?•What are the central results and conclusions?•How can the results be applied in teaching practice?•Return your writing to MyCourses –environment -> Home assignments•Be prepared for discussing the paper with your peers on this course. -
Reading tasks: Read one of the following (or more if you have time)
You do not submit any written task in this "box", but we will use these materials on Thursday's contact session.
Furthermore, you can also use these, when reflecting your teaching methods in your essay.
Biggs and Tang. 2011. Teaching for Quality Learning at University. Chapter2: Teaching according to how students learn. - link to e-book
Moon Jenny : Reflection in Higher Education Learning
Moon Jenny: Guide for Busy Academics No. 4 Learning through reflection - link to the material
Tynjälä,P. 2005. Konstruktivistinen oppimiskäsitys ja asiantuntijuuden edellytysten rakentaminen
koulutuksessa -
Read one or both of these (or I could still recommend you to read both of them, in order to get a larger picture)
1. The Quality Handbook of your own school (these are found Inside, go first to your school)
2. Aalto University Audit report 2016
The second one (Audit report) is rather long - please read selectively parts describing teaching in different degree levels (in chapter 6 pages 37-57), key strengths and development areas.
If you are interested in, you can find more information on national audit & quality systems in Finnish higher education in here https://karvi.fi/en/higher-education/
Karvi (FINHEEC) was the national body, which is the responsible actor in the audits, although in Aalto-audit we had an international panel.
or in European Union-level http://www.accreditedqualifications.org.uk/european-qualifications-framework-eqf.html
We will use these as background material when doing groupwork and tasks in the next time