A!Peda Intro (English) - Spring 2, 2018
1. The participants can work towards their personal objectives by setting a common objective for the group
2. Discuss and agree the timetable and actions to achieve your objective
- At least two meetings during the course, preferably three.
- Meetings may be f2f or virtual, between the teaching sessions.
- What kind of actions would support you to achieve your objectives?
- For instance:
- 1st meeting: clarify objectives, divide tasks, planning of how to report the outcomes, check your timetables
- 2nd meeting: discussion on discovered answers, new viewpoints, new ideas and integration of viewpoints as well as planning the presentation of group objectives, process and outcomes for the last face-to-face teaching session
4. Write / draw / record a summary of each meeting & the final outcome on MyCourses. Agree who is writing the summary each time. What did you discuss? What has been done? What are your next steps/actions?
5. Plan the demonstration for the last teaching session (7.6.2018). Try to plan a demonstration that activate the others in the class. You are free to choose the form of demonstration. You can have some ideas of different kinds of teaching methods e.g. Hyppönen & Linden: Handbook for teachers - course structures, teaching methods and assessment pages 34-55 from Be ready to discuss how your peer group worked.
Time for demonstration is 20 min + 10 min discussion/feedback.-
Peer-group work -wiki pages