Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Welcome to the courses: 

    TU-E1090 - Research Assignment in Strategy and Venturing, 12.09.2018-07.12.2018

    TU-E2090 - Research Assignment in Operations and Service Management, 12.09.2018-17.10.2018

    TU-E3091 - Research Assignment in Organization Design and Leadership, 12.09.2018-7.12.2018

    To participate in a course, you must register to one of the above mentioned courses (in WeOodi) and this lecture module (self enrolment via link syllabus/kurssikuvaus in right of this site).


    Lecturers: Euiju Jeon, Eerikki Mäki, Kari Tanskanen  

    Teaching period: I-II, III-V (Autumn and Spring)

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Students will learn how to apply research methods and scientific thinking in problem solving.
    • Students will learn how to define and specify adequate research objectives and research questions in the subject area of Industrial Management.
    • Students will understand the basics of gathering data and how to systematically conduct research.
    • Students will be able to analyze empirical data, report the results, and evaluate the quality (reliability and validity) of empirical research.


    The lecture module (about 54 hours) includes lectures, reading materials, and examination, and is held jointly with three Majors (i.e., courses TU-E1090 - Research Assignment in Strategy and Venturing, TU-E2090 - Research Assignment in Operations and Service Management, TU-E3091 - Research Assignment in Organization Design and Leadership). This lecture module forms Part 1 of the Research Assignment course. Part 2 of the course is made up of empirical research assignments, which are instructed separately for each Major. Students must register for both the empirical research assignment course (i.e., Part 2) and this lecture module (i.e., Part 1).


    • Week 1: Wed 12.9.2018 at 10-12 in TU5 (TUAS-building, Maarintie 8): Introduction, course arrangements, scientific argument with Toulmin Model
    • Week 2: Wed 19.9.2018 at 10-12 in TU5 (TUAS-building, Maarintie 8): Quantitative research
    • Week 3: Wed 26.9.2018 at 10-12 in TU5 (TUAS-building, Maarintie 8): Quantitative research
    • Stata Lab Session: Fri 28.9.2018 at 10-12, 14-16 in TU4 (old 1174-1176) (TUAS-building, Maarintie 8)
    • Week 4: Wed 3.10.2018 at 10-12 in TU5 (TUAS-building, Maarintie 8): Qualitative research methods
    • Week 5: Wed 10.10.2018 at 10-12 in TU5 (TUAS-building, Maarintie 8): Writing the Research Assignment
    • Week 6 Wed 17.10.2018 at 10-12 in TU5 (TUAS-building, Maarintie 8): Design science approach and case study method in management research


    The exam is carried out as an open books exam which is synchronized with the lectures. During the lectures, we post an exam question related to the lecture themes (one question per week). The written answer to the question is due upon midnight before the next lecture (i.e., every Tuesday 23:55 PM) at MyCourse under "For Aalto Users" folder. The required readings for each lecture will be announced on the lecture pages.