Osion kuvaus

  • Two exercise sessions (first and last) in this course will be hosted by Accountor. This presents a unique opportunity for you to get familiar with how accounting information is created, processed, analyzed and reported. 

    Please access the assignment below. You can access the Procountor environment here:  https://secure.procountor.com/procountor/ . The first three tasks for setting up the environments are tasks that only can be completed once. Johanna recommends that everyone still goes through these steps to familiarize themselves with the idea, but only one student per group needs to input the information. For all other questions: try to do them as many times as you deem useful. The more you practice, the more you will understand, the more likely you are able to become Procountor certified and get all 10 points resulting from the test. 
    To provide more context to the exercise, imagine yourself as operating a small business (e.g. bakery, flower shop, mobile game development studio,...).

    Please access the logins for your respective group from the file below. I suggest to change your password as soon as you logged in. The login information in the file is public. If you decide to sabotage other groups, you will be excluded from the Accountor module, missing out on a total of 20 points (2 grades).

    When going through the tasks ALWAYS keep in mind human error potential. Consider actively going through what errors could happen and what implications that might have. In later MSc courses and especially when working at a company, you will be using transaction data that is at least partly inserted manually (just like in this exercise session). Being aware and alert will make you a better controller/manager.

    As always and particularly in this course, the more you engage in the exercises the more you will learn. 

    Assessment of this module will be based on four aspects
    1) Attendance is mandatory for all both sessions (Pass/Fail)
    2) Completion of exercises is a prerequisite (Pass/Fail)
    3) Completion of a test based on your thorough understanding of the used Accounting Information System (10 points of 50 obtainable during the course)*
    4) Assignment where you demonstrate your reflective thinking capacity (10 points of 50 obtainable during the course - Opens on 23.5. for submission)

    * The test is the official examination used to certify accountants' proficiency in Procountor. Accountor offered to award you the official certificate free of charge, if you meet the official test requirements (high enough test score). This will be a valuable addition to your CV!
    • Tehtävä icon

      Please reflect on your experience using the Procountor AIS and the MyAdvisor AI-powered reporting tool. 

      1) In particular, think of what steps are prone to mistakes, what effects these could have and how you will take this knowledge into account in the future. 

      2) What steps are prone to fraud and how would you control for fraud.

      3) Relate the assignment to the lecture content of this course. 

      4) Present your opinion on using an AI powered reporting/controlling tool. 

      The assignment should be about three pages long. Quality will be appreciated more than quantity. You can achieve a maximum of 10 points.

      The assignment opens on 23.5. and is due on 29.5 at 10:00 am.