
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Please submit your first learning diary through this link. The deadline is Thursday, April 25 at 8.00 am. 

       Article: Aguilera R.V., Filatotchev I., Gospel H. & Jackson G., 2008, An Organizational Approach to Comparative Corporate Governance: Costs, Contingencies, and Complementarities. Organization Science, 19:3, 475-492.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Please submit your second learning diary through this link. The deadline is Thursday, May 9th at 8.00 am. 

      Article: Fernandes N., Ferreira M.A. & Murphy K.J. Frydman C. & Jenter D., 2013. Are U.S: CEOs Paid More ? New International Evidence. Review of Financial Studies, 26:2, 323-367

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Please submit your third learning diary through this link. The deadline is Thursday, May 9th at 8.00 am. 

      Article: Connelly B.L., Hoskisson R.E., Tihanyi L. & Certo S.T. 2010, Ownership as a form of corporate governance. Journal of Management Studies, 47, 1561-1589.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Please submit your fourth learning diary through this link. The deadline is Monday, May 13th at 8.00 am. 

      Article: Mikes A. & Kaplan R. 2013, Towards a Contingency Theory of Enterprise Risk Management. Harvard Business School, Working Paper 13-063.

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      Please submit your fifth learning diary through this link. The deadline is Monday, May 13th at 8.00 am. 

      Article: Agarwal V., Taffler R.J., Bellotti X. & Nash E.A., 2016, Investor relations, information asymmetry and market value. Accounting and Business Research, 46, 31-50.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Please submit your sixth learning diary through this link. The deadline is Thursday, May 16th at 8.00 am. 

      Article: Hermalin B.E. & Weisbach M.S., 2003, Boards of Directors as an Endogenously Determined Institution: A Survey of the Economic Literature. Economic Policy Review, 9, 7-26.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Please submit your seventh learning diary through this link. The deadline is Thursday, May 16th at 8.00 am. 

      Article: Renders A., Gaeremynck A. & Sercu P., 2010, Corporate-governance ratings and company performance: A cross-European study. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 18, 87-106.