
  • Topics

    • Managing the tensions between global integration and local responsiveness
    • Lincoln case
    • Guest: Ingmar Björkman, Dean of School of Business


    1. Pucik, V., Evans, P., Björkman, I., and Morris, S. (2017). Global Challenge: International Human Resource Management. Chicago: Chicago Business Press. Third edition, Chapter 2.
    2. Pucik, V., Evans, P., Björkman, I., and Morris, S. (2017). Global Challenge: International Human Resource Management. Chicago: Chicago Business Press. Third edition, Chapter 3.

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      Submit an individual reflection paper in which you reflect on the learning from your reading of the assigned literature for each session. For each chapter and article the paper should contain:

      1.     Own learning points (i.e. what did YOU learn when reading the material)

      2.     Questions/issues that you would like to discuss during the session, as well as reasons why you think these questions/issues are worthy of discussion.


      Format: 200-250 words per chapter/article

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      Analyse the case and answer the following questions:

      1.     How do you explain Lincoln’s success in the United States? What roles does the way in which the company manages people play in its success?

      2.     Should the company introduce the reward system and other elements of how the firm operates in the United States also in China? Why/why not?


      Format: 1000 words

      Deadline: The case solution has to be uploaded to the assignment submission box in MyCourses before the start of Session 3: March 5th at 9:00.