
  • Enter your main paper and presentation by first adding a discussion topic and then attaching the paper and presentation as pdf files. Use the title of your paper as the title of the discussion. Name the files as YourName_Main_Paper.pdf and YourName_Main_Presentation.pdf. Do this by the previous Thursday 24.00 before the seminar at the latest. It would be polite to mail a draft of your paper to your designated discussant  earlier, so that they have more time to prepare. Prepare for a 20-25 minute presentation.

    Advisor approval: Insert the following statement to your discussion topic entry: "My supervisor has approved the attached paper and presentation on --DATE--".

    Please appear in the seminar room 10 minutes before the start. We will download all the presentations to the desktop before the start of the seminar.

    Designated discussant

    Add a reply to the discussion with a two-page discussion of the paper before the start of the seminar. You can submit it either as plain text in the comment field, or as an attached pdf. 

    Prepare to give a 7-10 minute discussion of the paper from the podium immediately after the main presentation and before a general class discussion. Bring a (very short set of) slides to give structure to your presentation; however, you do not need to post these slides to MyCourses.

    Other students

    Add a reply to a discussion of a member of your group with your comments on the research paper.  A comment is usually a short paragraph, sometimes 2-3 paragraphs. Minimum requirement is at least three substantially distinct comments to each member of your group. Comments must be delivered as plain text in the comment field, not as attached files. 

    Participate in the general class discussion after the designated discussant has given her/his presentation. Remember that the audience has not necessarily read your online comments (you should not assume they have); there is no problem if your discussion points overlap with those you made online.

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      Insert your main paper and presentation by thu 24.00 Forum