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      Course grading - second exam (updated April 29, 2019) Fil XLSX

      Results of the second exam.

      • IT service claimed that both MySQL server and VDI service are recovered. Please check your access to the MySQL server, and let me know if you have any problem.

      • Based on a request to improve the readability of question 6 of the big assignment, I include an example to further explain the requirement.

      • Some technical problems were reported in e.g. VDI system due to the move of business school to the new campus. Therefore, I decide to extend the deadline for assignment submission for one more week to March 9, 2019.

      • Job information
        • MORS Software is a fintech company specializing in banks' asset management and treasury software. They are looking for a person to work on their support tasks. The work requires knowledge of SQL and relational databases.The position requires fluent Finnish so the job ad is in Finnish.
        • Link to the job advertisement: https://atalent.fi/open-position/tekninen-asiantuntija-junior
        • Good luck!
      • Unexpected technical problem in WebOodi happened last Friday (15 February, 2019). Please check your enrollment status in WebOodi.

      • Big Assignment is available now [January 31]. Due date: Saturday, 2 March 2019, 11:55 PM

      • Course materials, e.g. slides, are available at "Materials" section in MyCourse.
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      This is MySQL quiz, just for testing your knowledge on MySQL. The performance of the quiz is NOT relevant to course grading.