
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Write a 5-7 page paper in which you reflect on and plan your PhD work. Use at least three academic articles from the course readings; you are encouraged to use other relevant references as well. Utilize the materials and topics covered during the course.

      Your paper should include all of the following parts:

      1.     The improved version of your research Introduction (based on the feedback you received from your group).

      2.     Writing project plan (see instructions below).

      3.     A critical appraisal of your conference presentation (see instructions below).

      4.     A concluding reflection of yourself as a thesis writer and researcher, and what you have learned during the course.

      Instructions: Writing project plan

      Think about your PhD as a writing project. Sketch a preliminary time frame for the project and present it also visually. Identify your main goal, your intermediate goals and your immediate goals.


      Instructions: A critical appraisal of your conference presentation

      One part of the essay consists of an appraisal of your own presentation. Please follow the instructions below for this part of the essay.

      View your videoed conference with your fellow team members. Use the comments and written feedback you received from the class to help you analyse your performance.

      Then, on your own, write an appraisal which critically assesses your presentation. What aspects of your presentation were successful and what do you think could have been better? You should comment on both your communication strategy and the presentation delivery.

      Your appraisal should cover:

      1.      Communication strategy - What were the most important audience considerations in your presentation? How did these issues affect your choice of content and structure? How successful was your approach?

      2.      Presentation delivery - What aspects of your presentation were successful, and what do you think could have been better? Comment on the introduction and conclusion, your visuals, nonverbal communication (body movement, gestures, facial expressions) and language.