Topic outline

    • Assignment icon

      Please send me a 1-2 page pdf that explains what you are planning to do as a final project for the course.

      • A short description of your idea and concept
      • Description of the interaction, if it is interactive
      • Reflect a bit on how you are going to create and structure the code:
        • Possible problems or things you do not know how to do.
        • Possible solutions to these problems that you have found
        • You can even do a small sketch of how it is going to work as a list or as a flowchart.
      • 1–3 references (existing artworks, references relating to your concept, code samples, external libraries etc.)
      • Sketches or images, if you have some (not necessary)

    • Assignment icon

      Submit your final project here:

      You have a couple of options:

      1. Upload your code to OpenProcessing, add it to the Final Project Collection there and also add the link to your sketch here in MyCourses.
      2. If you want to use the p5.js Web editor, provide the link to your sketch here.
      3. Upload a .zip of all of your project files here (for example, if you used Processing)