Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Schedule 2019 (updated 28.3.2019).

    • Akusti  Akusti Jaatinen, Outotec
    • AJ        Ari Jokilaakso
    • MK       Marko Kekkonen

    • Presentation files should be uploaded to Dropbox (Presentations) no later than 9 a.m. on the presentation day.
    • Report (Final Content Check): Report file should be uploaded to Dropbox (Report) no later than Wednesday 8.5 at 12:00.
    • Final Report: Report file should be uploaded to Dropbox (Report) no later than Wednesday 29.5.
    • Reflection report: Report file should be uploaded to Dropbox (Project and professional skill reflection) after the Final seminar. DL Wednesday 29.5