
  • Exercises begin in Week 4 (21.1-25.1).

    Weekly exercises are released after the lecture on Friday, related to the topic of that lecture. Students return their answers in MyCourses as a single PDF file at the latest 1.5 weeks later on Tuesday 23:55.

    NB! Late submissions will be accepted for grading until Wed 12:00 (noon), the day after the deadline, but with 2 points automatically subtracted. After this, MyCourses will be closed for submissions and no points will be awarded. It is not possible to hand in some part of the problems before the deadline and the rest after: the latest submission determines the submission time for the entire assignment.

    Two weekly exercise sessions will be organized, where the students can come and do the exercises, and an assistant is available to help with any questions. The sessions are held on Wednesdays 16.15-18.00 and Fridays 14.15-16.00. For the location of each session, see the course timetable.  

    Instructions for computer exercises

    Computer exercises will be done using python. To ensure that all the necessary packages with correct versions are installed, an environment has been created on Aalto machines. It can be loaded by typing the following command in the terminal:

    module load courses/CS-E4820-advanced-probabilistic-methods

    Python can then be run with

    • python
    • ipython
    • jupyter notebook

    Optional : You can install the same environment by downloading the Miniconda installer from https://conda.io/miniconda.html and running

    bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh

    After installing, run

    conda install tensorflow matplotlib scipy pandas jupyter
    pip install edward

    and everything should be up to date.

    Update: a list of installed python packages and versions in the course environment can be found here.