Topic outline

  • There are three assignments with the following deadlines:

    • Assignment 1: 17 March 2019.
    • Assignment 2: 31 March 2019.
    • Assignment 3: 14 April (1st deadline) or 5 May 2019 (2nd deadline). If the student misses the 1st deadline there is no late submission penalty and the 2nd deadline automatically applies. If the student misses the second deadline there is a late submission penalty (see below). The only practical difference between the deadlines is that the assignments submitted by the 1st deadline will be graded earlier than the assignments submitted after it.

    All deadlines are at 23:55 local time.

    General instructions

    • The general grading criteria are available at
    • The assignment should be completed by one person, but discussions with others are encouraged. However, your final solution must be your own. Please read the Aalto University Code of Academic Integrity and Handling Violations Thereof for further details.
    • The language of the assignments is English.
    • The deadline has a late submission policy: each day being late automatically reduces 3 points of the assignment. However, you cannot get negative points for an assignment.
    • If you have a pressing reason that causes you to miss the deadline you can send an email to the lecturers ( to request an extension, without the late submission penalty. The reason must be such that it would entitle you to be absent from work (e.g., illness) and verifiable (e.g., doctor's certificate). The extension must be requested before the deadline. Otherwise, the extension will be refused.
    • The submitted report should be in a single Portable Document Format (pdf) file. If you are using software such as Word, then export the final document as pdf. If you have several pdfs then please merge them into one before submitting the assignment.
    • Do not attach any source code.
    • State clearly your name and your student id in the report.
    • Number your answers to correspond the questions in each assignment, and do it in order corresponding to the questions.

    • Assignment icon

      Deadline is on 17 March 2019 at 23:55, local time.

    • Assignment icon

      Deadline is on 31 March 2019 at 23:55, local time.

    • Assignment icon

      Deadline is on 14 April 2019 at 23:55, local time, (or 5 May 2019, see instructions).