
    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör en grupp i Global Business in the Digital Age - All student groups
      Inlämningsuppgift icon
      CS-E5140 Course Project, phase 1. (25.4 –7.5) Inlämningsuppgift
      • Go-to-market analysis 1/2: Product-Market Fit;
      • Internal Environment analysis 1/2: Growth Challenge & Growth Barriers;

      The submit package by each team consist of two deliverable types (document files) according to the following specifications:

      1. Presentation (including the "main points” of analysis for ):

      • Created to some presentation format (e.g. PPT) using the Case Company’s own presentation template (if available/accessible);
      • Max. 8-12 slides, use appendices for additional/support materials; 
      • Note: Include always also a .pdf file version for us to surely get it opened;

      2. Text report (supplements and justifies the results briefed in presentation);

      • Any standard text and/or spreadsheet format (doc, rtf, excel, etc.);
      • Include the cover sheet containing the group # and team members;
      • About 10-15 pages max. + appendices (like reference list and for additional/support materials);
      • Single line-spacing;
      • Font size 12;
      • Used sources must be cited and listed as references following some consistent citation notation;

      The submission deadline is 23:55 on May 7th, 2019. Submission takes place in MyCourses course portal "as a group" (one group member submits on the behalf of the whole group).

      Enjoy your work!

      OP & Ilja

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör en grupp i Global Business in the Digital Age - All student groups
      Inlämningsuppgift icon
      CS-E5140 Course Project, phase 2. (8.5 –21.5, report final version 31.5 ) Inlämningsuppgift

      • Go-to-market analysis, phase 2/2: Go-to-market plan;
      • Internal environment analysis, phase 2/2: Internal Development plan;

      The submit package by each team consist of two deliverable types (document files) according to the following specifications:

      1. Presentation (including the "main points” of analyses):

      • In some presentation format (e.g. PPT) using the case company’s own presentation template (if available/accessible);
      • Target to ~10 slides (max. 15 slides), use appendices for additional/support materials; 
      • Note: Include always also a .pdf file version for us to surely get it opened;

      2. Text report (supplements and justifies the results briefed in presentation);

      • Any standard text and/or spreadsheet format (doc, rtf, excel, etc.);
      • Remember to include the i) cover sheet containing the group # and team members, and ii) table of contents;
      • About 10-15 pages, use appendices for complementary contents  and additional/supporting materials;
      • Single line-spacing;
      • Font size 12;
      • Used sources must be cited and listed as references following some consistent citation notation;

      Submission takes place in MyCourses course portal "as a group" (one group member submits on the behalf of the whole group). The submission deadline for the final presentations and the report versions is May 21th, 2019 at 23:55

      FINAL Report submission:

      Please Note: After the presentation groups are supposed to submit the Final report by May 31, at 23:55 (to here).

      Enjoy your work!

      OP & Ilja