
  • Grading

    For each sprint both the group's pitch and deliverables are graded using a 0-5 scale.
    Grade for a Sprint is the arithmetic average of the pitch grade and the deliverables grade.

    The course grade is the arithmetic average of all the grades from the six (6) Sprints.
    An extraordinarily excellent final presentation and prototype may raise the grade by 1.


    Student no. Grade
    290218 5
    344562 5
    429966 4
    430311 5
    451277 5
    479929 4
    584128 4
    588247 4
    62274N 5
    645481 4
    659684 4
    719854 4
    720597 4
    720652 4
    720940 5
    721088 4
    721143 5
    724179 4
    727286 4
    727781 4
    727794 4
    727804 4
    728081 5
    728094 4
    728227 5
    728353 4
    728434 4
    728447 4
    728450 4
    740551 4
    k75929 4