Topic outline

  • General

    If you want to know what technology is needed for things like IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) or massive cloud-based services, you should take this course. The course addresses the concrete building blocks of such systems; especially the course is focused on on  real-time cloud services and the related data center technology.

    Course format

    The course is an advanced course in a project format, where you learning by doing. The topic is varying. Also, the number of credits is not fixed (can be 5-10 ECTS):
    • 5 ECTS: typically a project spanning 2 periods and having 2 intermediate reports.
    • Over 5 ECTS: typically more deliverables and a longer time span

    Topics spring 2019

    Note that this is the 2019 spring page. The contents of the course vary, but in general the most of the project topics address Mobile Cyber Physical Systems.

    • the specific theme during spring 2019 is "Data center technology for microservices"
    • As it is a special course, there is some flexibility, i.e., the students can define their own focuses within the overall theme.


    A typical project spans over 2 periods. The basic flow is:
    • Generic study phase (with supporting lectures)
    • Specific planning phase (your own specialization)
    • Work phase (programming work)
    • Termination phase (final demo)

    Detailed schedules are to be announced later, but period III is for the generic study and the programming work happens during rest of the spring.

    Assessment and grading

    Practical programming work is done in groups. The group completes a common project work aimed at learning a particular topic. In addition, each member of a group prepares a personal learning portfolio about his or her work and studying.


    As the course is an advanced one, you should have done general studies and studies related to the topic. Note that participation can be restricted.


    If you have something to ask about the course, contact cs-e5460 at Do not use the personal email addresses of the course personnel for contacting.