Topic outline

    • Assignment icon

      Upload your project proposal here as a pdf file.

      See the detailed guidelines here:

      • Please write a short text of what you are planning to do as your final project for the course.
      • Include as many details as you know at this point (What is it? What does it do? What parts/software you think you need?)
      • Try to also find 1-3 links to existing projects or artworks that are similar to what you are doing.
      • You can include drawings or sketches also.

    • Assignment icon

      Please add here a link to your project documentation online, or if you don't want to make it public, upload the files here or a link to some private folder (google doc, dropbox etc.)

      See the guidelines here:

    • Choice icon

      Do you give me permission to include your name and a link to the documentation of your final project on the course website? This is just so that I could show the students next year what kind of things you have done on this course. You can at anytime change your mind and ask me to remove the link by emailing me.