
  • Learning Diaries

    A learning diary of 1-2 pages must be produced after the introductory lectures (March 4 - April 1, 2019). Please return the learning diary by Friday 15.00.

    There are 5 introductory lectures, and it is required to return at least 4 learning diaries. If you will have to miss more than 1 lecture, you must produce an extended learning diary, 1 per each missed lecture, to compensate (contact Jussi to negotiate on the contents of the extended learning diary).

    Seminar Paper and Presentation

    Seminar students are asked to write a scientific paper about a topic of their choice related to the seminar's theme "Headphones and Equalizers". All students will give an oral presentation on their topic in May 2019.

    The expected length of the seminar paper is about 10 pages for Master's students and about 15 pages for Doctoral students in a single column format using a 12-point font. Please include several figures and many references in your paper.

    The oral presentation should last for 10 minutes. We will then reserve a few minutes for questions afcter each presentation. 

    The oral presentation must contain figures and an audio demonstration related to the topic. Figures from publications can be used (remember to give the reference!), but good students also study their topic, for example using Matlab, and present some figures produced by themselves. Although good audio examples can often be found from the Internet, a successful presentation has some audio examples produced by the student. Please make sure that the audience knows whether the audio examples have been produced by you or by someone else.

    Schedule for Paper Preparation

    All students must follow the same schedule when preparing the seminar paper. The following milestones will be defined on February 25 and require a file to be returned via the paper submission page:

    • First draft (outline and references) by March 25
    • Second draft (more text and figures) by April 15
    • Full paper (all text and figures) by May 3 (Updated Deadline)
    • Slides (presentation) by May 13
    • Revised Full Paper by May 17