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    Radio spectrum is limited natural resource that need to be shared among the systems and users. This course focused on the problems related to sharing of radio resources between users within single system (Radio Resource Management) and sharing of the spectrum between systems (Spectrum Management).

    The course is divided into two parts. Part I (Period IV) provides an overview of recent topics related to the radio resource and spectrum management. This part consists of lectures and  home works that are to be done individually. There will be five exercise sessions: studying articles and giving a short presentation, solving problems, etc..  Part II (Period V) is reserved for the group work, in which the students are expected to write conference paper like report and give a seminar talk on selected radio resource management / spectrum management topic. The group work is to be done in a group of 2 - 3 students.

    In addition, the students need to write a learning diary where they briefly summarize the learning of each lecture and document the process of preparing the group work.

    COMNET 5G IoThonhttps://iothon.io/

    Reaching the teaching team:

    • Email: {riku.jantti;  ruifeng.duan; ghavimi.fayezeh; muhammad.sheikh; estifanos.menta}@aalto.fi
    • Office: {2539; 2543; 2527; 2543; 2530}@TUAS


    •           Lectures: Seminaarisali (1st floor), Open Innovation House (OIH), Maarintie 6. 
    •           Exerciese: Simulointilaboratorio, OIH, Maarintie 6
    •            Guest lecture will be on 18.3.2019 at 14.00-16:00, hall TU 7, Maarintie 8.


     WeekLecture Date

     (Mon. 14:15 - 16:00)

     Exercise DateExercise
     (Wed. 10:15 - 12:00)
     04.3.2019Multi-antenna systems 06.3.2019Exercise 1
    10 11.3.2019M2M communications 13.3.2019Exercise 2
    11  18.3.2019Guest lecture (14.00-16:00, hall TU 7, Maarintie 8.) 20.3.2019System simulation
    (Room AS5, TUAS)
    12  25.3.2019Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)              27.3.2019
    Exercise 3
    13  01.4.2019Scheduling and fairness / Group work guidelines 03.4.2019Exercise 4
    14 08.4.2019Ultra-dense networks 10.4.2019 Exercise 5
    (Room AS5, TUAS)
    15  15.4.2019Group work proposal presentation 1 17.4.2019Group work proposal presentation 2
    (backup session)
    16  29.4.2019Group work mid-review  
    17  13.5.2019Group work presentations 15.5.2018   Group work presentations (backup)

    Assignment deadlines

    15.4.2019 23:59  Group work proposal
    10.5.2019 23:59  Group work report submission for peer-review
    17.05.2019 23:59  Group work peer review report 
    24.05.2019 23:59  Group work peer review response & final report

    (Learning diary deadlines (DL)  within one week after each exercise session. The DL of the first learning diary is 23:59 on 12.3.2019, which includes Lectures 1 and 2, and exercise 1. )

    Proposal presentation schedule on 17.04.2019
    Presentation # Group #  Students' names  Topic
    1 Group 1 Pere Garau, Venkatesh Kulkarni, Carles Martínez
    2 Group 2 Muhammad Royyan
    3 Group 3 Ali Sarfaraz. Jouni Salmi
    4 Group 4 SaiKrishna Yellapragada (on a trip), Soumadipta Pyne, Narahari K. Rames
    5 Group 5 Tahmid Quddus, Jesus Gabriel, Waqar Abbas
    6 Group 6  Xiyu Wang, Yining Huang, Dejan Simonovic    
     7 Group 7   Muhammad Tayyab (on a trip)    
     8 Group 8   Tran Thien Thi, Soh Wei    
     9 Group 9   Eero Silfverberg, Sami Pitkäniemi    

    Final presentation schedule on 13.05.2019
    Presentation #Group # Students' names Topic
    1Group 1Pere Garau, Venkatesh Kulkarni, Carles Martínez
    2Group 2Muhammad Royyan
    3Group 3Ali Sarfaraz. Jouni Salmi
    4Group 4  SaiKrishna Yellapragada, Soumadipta Pyne, Narahari K. Rames  
    5Group 5Tahmid Quddus, Jesus Gabriel, Waqar Abbas

    Final presentation schedule on 15.05.2019
    Presentation #Group # Students' names Topic

    6Group 6 Xiyu Wang, Yining Huang, Dejan Simonovic  
     7Group 7  Muhammad Tayyab (on a trip)  
     8Group 8  Tran Thien Thi, Soh Wei  
     9Group 9  Eero Silfverberg, Sami Pitkäniemi  

    Peer review guideline

    1. Each student is assigned a draft report to review. Since there are 9 different topics, each student might not very familiar to the content. Please try your best to understand the content, and then prepare comments. If some parts of the report is not clear to you, you also can ask the authors to address them.

    2. Each student submits the comments to Assignments Submission/Submitting your comments. Use the attached review form. The review needs to answer the following questions:

    Topic - Rate your knowledge of the topic of the group work

    Methodology - Rate your knowledge of the methodology applied in the group work

    Accuracy - Is the material consistent and correct; are the conclusions well supported?

    Originality - Is the information wholly or partly new, or mostly familiar?

    References - Is related work on this topic adequately recognized, barely mentioned, or neglected?

    Clarity - Is it well written and concise, are ideas well expressed?

    Organization - Is the paper well organized and easy to follow?

    Coverage - Is the topic adequately and concisely treated, or is the treatment too brief or too wordy?

    Illustrations - Are the plots, diagrams and photos readily understandable; do they support the text?

    3. The group receiving the review comments will answer to the review by proving a review response letter where they address all the comments made by the reviewers and indicate what changes they have made to the document based on the review.

    4. Templates of the review comments and the response letter can be found at Materials/Review Templates