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    Course overview

    The Earth's gravity field and its representations; the geopotential and spherical harmonic expansions; different observation types and their processing; gravity anomalies; the figure of the Earth (geoid) and its determination; height measurement and height systems; terrain models and terrain effects; gravity and the internal structure of the Earth; sea level, the geoid and sea surface topography; the use of satellites in determining the gravity field.


    Image: Professor Vening Meinesz travelling around the world, measuring gravity with his super-sensitive instrument

    Professor Vening-Meinesz travelling around the world, measuring gravity with his super-sensitive instrument


    The lectures are in K201, Tuesdays 14:15-16, Wednesdays 12:15-14. Exercises are in Y344, Wednesdays 14-16.

    Tuesday       16 April 14-16  Fundamentals of theory of gravitation
    Wednesday 17 April 12-14   <CANCELED>
    Tuesday       23 April 14-16  The Laplace equation and its solutions
    Wednesday 24 April 12-14  The normal gravity field, anomalous quantities, geophysical reductions
    Tuesday       30 April 14-16   Vertical reference systems and the geoid
    Tuesday          7 May 14-16  The Stokes equation, other integral equations, spectral techniques, FFT
    Wednesday   8 May  12-14  Statistical methods
    Tuesday        14 May 14-16  Gravimetric measurement devices
    Wednesday 15 May 12-14  The geoid, mean sea level, sea-surface topography
    Tuesday        21 May 14-16  Satellite altimetry and satellite gravity missions
    Wednesday 22 May 12-14  Tides, atmosphere, Earth crustal movements; gravity-field research

    Course exam Monday 27 May, 9-11, Lecture hall K326 Otakaari 4


    Exercises are on Wednesdays 14-16 in Y344, Otakaari 1.

    Wednesday 17 April 14-16 Kick-off
    Wednesday 24 April 14-16 <CANCELED>
    Wednesday   8 May 14-16
    Wednesday 15 May 14-16
    Wednesday 22 May 14-16