
  • Allmänt

    Starting Tue 26 Feb at 14:15-16 in K201

    Exercises starting We 27 Feb in Y344.

    Lectures (K201)

    1. Tue  26 Feb  14-16 Intro, history, figure of the Earth
    2. Wed 27 Feb  12-14 Spherical trigonometry
    3. Tue   5 Mar  14-16  Popular conformal map projections, transversal Mercator
    4. Wed  6 Mar  12-14 Geometry of the ellipsoid of revolution
    5. Tue  12 Mar 14-16 Three-dimensional co-ordinates and transformations
    6. Wed 13 Mar 12-14 Co-ordinate reference systems
    7. Tue  19 Mar 14-16  Co-ordinates of Heaven and Earth
    8. Wed 20 Mar 12-14 The orbital motion of satellites
    9. Tue  26 Mar 14-16  Gauss surface theory
    10. Wed 27 Mar 12-14 Riemann surface theory
    11. Tue    2 Apr  14-16 Map projections and surface theory
    12. Wed   3 Apr  12-14 Reflection, questions

    Exercises (Y344)

    1. Wed 27 Feb  14-16
    2. Wed   6 Mar 14-16
    3. Wed 13 Mar 14-16
    4. Wed 20 Mar 14-16
    5. Wed 27 Mar 14-16
    6. Wed   3 Apr  14-16
    Course examination Tue 9 April 13-15 (K201?)