Osion kuvaus

  • Schedule

    Welcome to the course on Introduction to Intercultural Communication!

    This course aims to provide understanding of communication between people from different cultures and the integration process into a new academic and working culture. The course introduces students to concepts and theories that influence intercultural communication and activates this knowledge through case studies and hands-on activities. Topics covered include working culture, culture shock, communication styles and conflict management across cultures.

    Course requires active participation, finishing the group project and handing in the individual tasks given on the course.

    You can find schedules, materials, assignments and conversations on this page. Other instructions you will hear on the first meeting. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

    Best regards,
    Intercultural communication teacher Minna Lyytinen

    minna.lyytinen@aalto.fi / +358 50 5747 223


    10th of Jan  / Culture and multicultural - Me as a cultural being

    identity / stereotypes / culture

    17th of Jan / Communication styles, communication patterns

    cultural values / communication

    deadline: A) “What I felt and what I said” (part of the group project)

    deadline: B) journal  notes on Adichie (everyone), discussion leading (Clara, Ronja, Lukas, Simon)

    24th of Jan /  Cultural values and functions

    conflict management

      deadline: B) journal  notes on Lahti (everyone), discussion leading (Toni, Camilla, Janani, Sandra)

     deadline:  C) interview questions

    31st of Jan / Intercultural Competence

    intercultural learning

      deadline: B) journal  notes on Dervin (everyone), discussion leading (Amr, Bogi, Feng, Tuomas)


    7th of Feb / Interpreting and negotiating reality

    adaptation process

      deadline: B) journal  notes on Friedman & Antal (everyone), discussion leading (Matti, Heze, Esra, Can)

    14th of Feb / Sum up, presentations and peer evaluation

       deadline: A) group presentations

      deadline: C) short presentation on interview results