Osion kuvaus

  • SCHEDULE & SUMMARY OF LC-1114 Communicating technology!

    Dates:             08.01.2019 - 04.04.2019

    Day & Time:   
    Tues: 14:15 - 17:30

    Location(s):  Y229a 8.1 - 19.2 /  
    Y229c 26.2 - 4.4

    *Note: 9 sessions total 

    Teacher: Laura Humphries  (consultation by appointment only)

    Email: laura.humphries@aalto.fi

    CEFR-starting level: B2

    Small-group instruction  28h
                        Independent study          53h

    During this course, you will learn to apply the principles of successful communication and strategies that enhance readability of texts as well as effectiveness of an oral presentation. Throughout the course, you will work individually, in pairs and in small groups, developing your text and your presentation and consolidating your ability to use English in oral situations. In addition, you will give and receive constructive feedback and revise your work accordingly.  

    The weekly assignments progress step-by-step towards the final version of the written report and the presentation, thus t
    he course requires regular work on assignments in addition to attending the lectures and completing independent work online (3 online modules).

    See also:
    -  Course schedule
    General info about the assignments
    -  Grading