
  • Welcome to LC-1117, English oral and written skills integrated with CHEM-C2120

    This course is  ONLY available to students also taking CHEM-C2120 at the same time.

    Students of CHEM-C2120 can participate in this 3-ECTS English course to complete the Aalto University foreign language requirement. This English module is integrated with CHEM-C2120. The main assignments on the English course are shared with CHEM-C2120, as well as most of the scheduling and deadlines. For the English course, participants are required to attend 80% of the contact sessions.

    LC-1117 introduces written and oral communication principles and strategies that are applicable to professional and academic purposes.  Throughout the course, students work individually and/or in small groups to develop their presentation and writing skills. Moreover, students give and receive constructive feedback on their work and revise it accordingly.

    Time and place: 11.3.-20.5.2019 (see also tentative schedule below)
                                    Mondays  15.15 -16.45, room U259   (NB Monday 15.4., at 16-17.30!!!)
                                    Wednesday 8.30-10.00, room U261 OP
                                    + Friday 26.4. 
                   Nanna Qvist, Aalto University Language Centre
    Workload:            Small group instruction 24h + independent work 57h (3ETCS)
    Learning goals: Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
                                   -  recognise the strategies and elements that enhance clarity and audience-friendliness
                                      in both oral and written communication,
                                   -  apply these strategies and elements in oral presentations and writing related to their
                                      field of study.
                                   -  distinguish between formal and informal styles of communication.

    Grading:              0-5                                                          

    Requirements:   See page Requirements and grading

    TENTATIVE SCHEDULE (minor changes possible)

    11.3.      Course starts – no class  Independent pre-course assignment   (Online module 1)

    Lectures:                            Time:                   Room:   Assignments due

    1-2         Mon 18.3.           15.15-16.45        U259     18.3. Online module 1
                   Wed20.3.            8.30-10.00          U261    
    3-4         Mon 25.3.           15.15-16.45        U259     25.3. Online module 2
                   Wed 7.3.             8.30-10.00          U261     28.3. Draft 1/Outline  (CHEM+LC-1117)
    5-6         Mon 1.4.             15.15-16.45        U259     1.4. Online module 3
                   Wed 3.4.             8.30-10.00          U261    
    Evaluation week 8.-12.4.                             
    7-8         Mon 15.4.           16.00-17.30        U259     15.4. Draft 2 (LC-1117), Online module 4
                   Wed 7.4.             8.30-10.00          U261    
     9-10      Wed 24.4.           8.30-10.00          U261     24.4. Draft 3 (LC-1117)
                   Fri 26.4.           10.15-11.45        U402  
    11           Mon 29.4.          15.15-16.45        U259    
                   5.5.                                     5.5. Final report: review article (CHEM+LC-1117)
    12          Mon  6.5.         15.15-16.45           U259     Presentation rehearsals with slides and outline
                                                                                            Self-evaluation of presentation
                   9.5.                                      9.5. Seminar event (CHEM)                                                                                             
                   Mon 20.5.          Individual/pair presentations (PanOpto)