Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen


    copyright Antti Ahlava


    Welcome to study Spanish from January 8th 2019 on. Remember to register in Oodi. Our book is called Ventana 1. You can purchase it as a normal book from Suomalainen kirjakauppa (Aleksanterinkatu 23) or as a digital version (SanomaPro). You need to have the book in the first class. If you do not understand Finnish, please print out the English translations of the first chapters of the book provided to you chapter by chapter on this MyCourses page. Great to see you!

    ¡Hasta pronto!


    Lessons: Tuesdays (U406b) and Thursdays (Y119) 9:30-11. In the IV period we only meet once a week, on Fridays (U406b).

    No lessons during week 8 (Feb 18-22).

    Two obligatory writing assignments that are submitted through MyCourses (Redacciones).

    Written exam: April 5th 2019 9:30-11 (U406b)

    Make-up exam: Contact the teacher at least a week before the last lesson.