Topic outline

  • Visit to a museum (or another type of cultural venue) is a part of the course programme. If you have missed a lesson, the visit is compulsory; if you have attended all the lesson, it is facultative. After your visit, write a report about your visit to the discussion below. What did you see? What did you learn? What did you think? You can also comment other students' reports. All reports have to be published before Mon 30th October.

    You can choose the museum freely. Here are some suggestions - remember to check the opening hours and possible free entrance dates, and have some kind of certificate of your student status!

    Ateneum - students 13 euros

    National museum- free entrance on Fridays at 16-18

    Museum of technology - free entrance on Thursdays

    Design museum - free entrance on every last Tuesday of the month at 17-20

    Helsinki City Museums- free entrance (e.g. Worker housing museum)