
  • 1) Tutustutaan! Let's get to know each others. Kysymyksiä kaverille (see the file Questions below)

    2) MITÄ KELLO ON? PALJONKO KELLO ON? MILLOIN? MIHIN AIKAAN? (s. 88) -> harjoitus 7 (s. 94)

    3) Verbityypit (s. 90-92)
    • Homework:

      1) Introduce yourself in forum post area Kuka sinä olet? below. Then read the posts of the classmates and reply for at least three student by asking something more.

      2) Study the verb types and the conjugations in p. 90-92 and look at the verbs in p. 86-87. You can see the number of the verb type after every verb but check do you recognise how to know. Do you remeber the rules?

      Do exercises 11, 13 ,14 and 15 (p. 96-98).

    • Forum icon

      Let's get to know each other. Introduce yourself. Write at least 5 things about you. Read then all the posts of classmates. Reply for at least three students and ask something more about them.

    • Pre task:

      Read the chapter 5 (in p. 83-85) and do exercises 17 (p. 98) and IF you want, listen to the 19 (p. 100).

    • Extra material:

    • URL icon

      Katso miten suomalaiset reagoivat, kun joku tulee liian lähelle. (Watch how Finns react when one gets too close)