Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen


    Self-study online course: 

    LC-9123   Chinese Characters 3

    汉字3           2019   


    程金华 Jinhua Cheng      Jinhua.cheng@aalto.fi

    Learning Outcomes: 
    This is a supporting course for Chinese 3 course. Students learn approximately 150 new characters and study vocabulary related in Chinese 3 course.

    "Contemporary Chinese 1 textbook" chapter 8 vocabulary and "Contemporary Chinese 2 textbook" chapter 1-3 - vocabulary. or "Nykykiinaa" chapter 8-11.

    Assessment Methods and Criteria: 
    • Self-study, 
    • 4 assignments 
    • and a final (group) examination.
    Study Material: 
    Contemporary Chinese character Book or the Finnish version material: Nykykiinaa Merkkikirja   (NOT compulsory to buy)

    One  F2F contact  meeting:         
    01.02.19  fri 12.30-14.00  R001/U259  (NOT compulsory)
    TWO possible Written test dates:
    1)     5.4.2019     Friday (9:00 -12.00)        R001/U261
    2)     4.4.2019    Thursday  (15.30-18.15)  R001/U119    

    No need to register for the test! 
    I will remind you about the tests again in March!  


    Return and upload the assignments in MyCourses or directly give them to the teacher the latest on the test date (5.4.2019).
    One important link: